Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 6, 1 Iune 2002 — OHA, HHC must get together for Hawaiians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA, HHC must get together for Hawaiians
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) are entities created by the State of Hawai'i and the United States Congress, The U.S. Congress has been crystal clear in recognizing the political status of Hawaiian; their unique status as indigenous people, the trust relationship, and the special responsibility of the U.S. for the Hawaiian people.
Similarly, the State of Hawai'i has recognized the Hawaiian and the State obligation and trust relationship, OHA and the HHC have the broad authority; the HHC for the native Hawaiians (50 percent-plus) and OHA for Hawaiians in general. Both have the same purpose, HHC primarily providing homes and OHA providing general welfare, Most important both entities have
the same beneficiaries, What and why the problems? Is it because Hawaiians by nature are always bickering? Is it pride and prejudice because one body is elected and the other appointed? The past two years the two boards met informally only onee, I believe OHA and HHC should get off their "high horses" and work collectively on the many problems and objectives that exist.
OHA must recognize that HHC beneficiaries are OHA's primary wards and, most important, that the OHA ceded ineome is for the Native Hawaiians. An advisory committee of the OHA Trustees and the HHC Commissioners should be formed and meet periodically to discuss and advise eommon problems and objectives, The time is now, GET TOGETHER. ■
Charles Ota Trustee, Maui