Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 6, 1 June 2002 — D.O.E. support [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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D.O.E. support

Ola Nā Iwi, an advisory eouneil to the Department of Education's Hawaiian Studies program, continues to assist in developing curriculum, screening books and guiding long-range plans. The eouneil was approved by the Board of Education in January 2000. Members are named at the recommendation of D.O.E. kūpuna and mākua. Puanani Wilhelm, D.O.E. Hawaiian Studies administrator, led the educational resources in discussion. "Everyone needs to buy in to what we do - othervvise it will be 'us against them'," she said. Representing the Native Hawaiian Education Council, Peter Hanohano addressed the groups at a May 10 meeting. "The NHEC is the conduit to take our education concerns to the federal government. The time is right for the federal government to educate Hawaiians," he said.

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