Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 6, 1 June 2002 — HELP for businesses [ARTICLE]
HELP for businesses
Native Hawaiian-owned businesses who have suffered hardship from the eeonomie downtum primarily
resulting from the Sept. 1 1 national tragedy ean now get HELP. OHA's Hawaiian Emergency Business Recovery Loan Program (HELP) is now accepting applieations for loans of up to $100,000 eaeh, with a term of up to 10 years and an interest rate of only 2 percent. Unlike the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan program, the HELP program does not require that applicants first be denied by other lending institutions. Loans are only available to Hawaiian-owned businesses operating in the State of Hawai'i with at least two years in operation because the program is designed as a stimulus to the loeal economy. A total $1.5 million in loans will be available through April 31, 2003 as a one-time initiative (first eome, first served). Those interested in the loan program should visiti www.OHA.org, or eall OHA at 594-1888. ■