Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — Charter schools [ARTICLE]
Charter schools
Ho'omaika'i to Kū Kahakalau and all those involved in the PONO Campaign to establish mueh needed autonomy for Native Hawaiian charter schools, ("Charter Schools Seek Autonomy," Ka Wai Ola 3/02.) We strongly support this effort to nurture and educate our future leaders by securing the necessary funding as well as making sure that Native Hawaiian school district education is free to any child who desires it. Likewise, a curriculum that teaches a critical history of forced colonization as well as kanaka maoli resistance is vital. Kahakalau is correct in declaring as "institutionalized racism" what has passed thus far as Education
for our beloved kanaka maoli kamali'i. The Hawai'i of old defined people by their relationship to the 'āina. It is sad indeed that another year will now pass without enacting this legislation proving that America continues to define by race. Our ancestors and our nation eall upon us to lift these foreign weights off of the shoulders of our 'ōpio so that they may rise to their own full potential and independence. Māhealani Kekahu Sylva Brook!yn, NY Mikala Kekahu Anahola
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