Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — Kudos [ARTICLE]

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My compliments to a recent KWO Focus letter entitled "History Subverted" by Rod Ferreira whieh encapsulates the true motivation of the U,S, minions in the past to annex/subjugate the sovereign Kingdom of Hawai'i, As with the thinly~veiled German-Nazi and Japanese īmperialist post-World War II efforts to revise WWĪĪ his~ torical cause~and~effect of the Jewish Holocaust, Bataan Death March, etc,, to more favorably be viewed by future generations - so it is with the Twigg~Smiths, Judd's, Conklins & Burgesses attem.pt to

rewrite the illegal overthrow and annexation of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, My compliments also to the fine editorial of Trustee At-large Rowena Akana in your March issue, īt appears to me as a Mainland Hawaiian that the OHA Trustees should grow-up and quit fighting among themselves like children especially in such a public plaee as the Hawai'i State Legislaturei As a 40-year resident now of Arizona with the largest number of īndian reservations in the nation, ī've observed the socio-economic-polit-ieal benefits of these native American tribes of living together, working together and prospering together through the formation of the Arizona Native American Gaming Commission, Perhaps OHA, the State of Hawai'i, and the elitist, reactionary descendants of the New England missionary~types, ean move for~ ward into the 21 st Century and resolve their petty differences for the greater good of the people of Hawai'i, William Afong Kaipo Kuamoo Arizona Kailua , Kona, Hawai'i