Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — OHA Hawaiian Registry Program Nā Mamo ʻŌiwi Hawaiʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Hawaiian Registry Program Nā Mamo ʻŌiwi Hawaiʻi
The Hawaiian Registry Program is an ongoing program to register people of Hawaiian ancestry. No specific blood quantum is required and anyone throughout the world may register. However, we are asking you to provide a photo copy of your birth certificate with "Hawaiian" stated for race as a supportive document. If your birth certificate does not indicate your Hawaiian ancestry, you will need to furnish additional documentation from your parent(s) or grandpar-
ent verifying and validating your Hawaiian ancestry. The Hawaiian Registry Progam is not the same as Operation 'Ohana. A picture identification card will be issued. Forthose on the mainland, U. S. or other parts of the world, the procedures for handling the pie-
ture identification have not been finalized. Your Hawaiian ancestry must be established through your biological parents. . ,not your adopted parents. Their document(s) must also verify their Hawaiian ancestry through their biological parents until a eonneehon is made to a Hawaiian. Vital records documents may be obtained from the State Board of
Health Vital Records section, or through research at the State Archives. For those born on the mainland U. S. or other parts of the world, your birth
record usually does not indicate your racial extrac tion. Thusthe necessity for furnishing your Hawaiian birth parent records.
Verification documents ean include:
□ Vital records (i.e., birth, marriage and/or death certificates) □ Obituaries, vital statistic news elippings. □ Genealogical, family history, baptismal, military, eensus records
Your documents should accompany your applieahon and all applications should be mailed to the OHA address in Honolulu. If you decide to mail your vital records to us, send them by registered mail. All documents will be returned to you. Please provide your name, address and phone number so we may contact you when the applieation and ID process is in plaee to eontinue the processing procedure.
You will be
when the Hawaiian Registry team will be in your community. ID pictures will be taken at that time. There is no charge for this photo ID. A Nā Mamo 'Ōiwi Hawai'i identification card will be mailed to you. For Operation 'Ohana members, please re-register. By providing your 'Ohana membership number, the OHA staff will be able to process your new Hawaiian Registry Card faster. A schedule is being developed of other community activities and events where the Hawaiian Registry will be located. Oheek out our website or the Ka Wai Ola O OHA for further information, or eall the lnformation & Referral unit of OHA at (808) 5941888. Mahalo for your interest in the Hawaiian Registry program. E Pūlama I ko Kākou Ho'olina - Cherish our Hawaiian Heritage
Applications? Available at: Office of Hawaiian Affairs 71 1 Kapi'oiani Blvd., Ste 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Or you ean download an application from the OHA website at www.OHA.org.
notified of your eligibility, and inform you