Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — 2002 MEI MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
s / Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the \ calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.
Friv May 3, 1 7 — Kuleana: a Hula Drama Kanu o ka 'Aina Charter School's hula drama, performed and staged by the students will occur twice in May, at the Outrigger Waikoloa (May 3), and at Kahilu Town Hall (May 17). Titled "Kuleana" (responsibility), the students will describe four school-wide projects, Pu'upūlehu, Makahiki, Kawaihae and Makali'i, and will also explore both traditional and modem kuleana to the land, the sea, freshwater and the spiritual world. 6:30 p.m. for both the Waikōloa and Waimea performances. For information, eall 808-887-8144. Satv May 4 — 'Aha Mele Ho'omau ma Moloka'i This annual fundraiser supports
the haumāna o Pūnana Leo o Moloka'i and nā keiki o ke kula kaiapuni. Live entertainment, crafts, clothing, 'ono food including a kole plate luneh and an auction. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oneali'i Park. For information, eall 808-567-9211, or email lorilei_r @ leoki .uhh.hawaii . edu Sunv May 5 — Sonny Ching's 7th Annual Family Fair Kumu Hula Sonny Ching and Hālau Nā Mamo O Pu'uanahulu present their annual 'ohana day with, 'ono food, community information booths, keiki rides, crafts and more. Entertainment by 'Ale'a, 'Opihi Pickers, Nā Palapalai, Māhiehie, Believe and more. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ke'ehi Lagoon DAV Hall grounds. Free. For information,visit online at www. sonnyching . eom.
Friv May 1 0 — Kū i ka Māna Concert Hālau Kū Māna New Century Charter School presents their fund raiser - a star-studded concert featuring Aunty Genoa Keawe, Amy Hānaiali'i, Nā Palapalai and more. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Hawai'i Theatre. $30, $25, $20. For information, eall 945-1401 or 386-1363. For tickets, eall 528-0506. Satv May 11 — 'lmi Pono benefit This annual fundraiser for Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Pū'ōhala in Kāne'ohe is a family fun day with crafts, community service booths, exhibit booths, an auction, petting zoo and 'ono food. Entertainment by Kawika Kahiapo, Nā Kāne Nui, Kamalani, Le'a kai and nā keiki o Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Pū'ōhala. 9
a.m.-4 p.m. Pū'ōhala School, 45223 Kulauli St. Free. For infor~ mation, eall 433-0480 or 233-5667. Satv May 1 1 — Hawai'i Secondary Schools Hula Kahiko Competition
Twenty schools compete in high school and middle school division in hula kahiko. Sponsored bv the
Kalihi-Pālama Culture and ,Arts Society īne., the event strives to foster school pride while pro~ motin2 onnortunities to learn
such cultural practices as hula, oli, lei~making and more, 10 a.m. Kapolei Middle School cultural mound. Tickets are $6, and , may be purchased at the J gate. For information, eall 521-6905.
Sat., May 1 8 — Kupulau Aloha VI: Nā Ali'i o Hawai'i Kumu Hula Ku'ualohanui Kauli'a
and Ka Pā Kū Kaiaulu's fund raising luneheon will feature the music of Del
Beazley, Clyde Lono = and Hawaiian L Paradise, the Lei
Pakalana Trio and the hālau. 1 1 a.m.-3 p.m. Likeke Hall, Kawaiaha'o
W Church. $15 prep sale, $20 at the door. For information, eall 387-5639 or 479-2480.
Sat, May 1 8-Stin., June 1 6 — "Panalā'au: Hawaiian Colonists of the South Seas" Bishop Museum's exhibit tells the story of how 60 I young Hawaiian men were ' sent to occupy remote deserted islands in equatorial Pacific as part of the war efforts in the Pacific. The exhibit will include oral histo-
ries, photographs, objects and programs celebrating the achievements of these Kamehameha Schools students. Bishop Museum. 9-5 p.m. $7.95 museum entrance fee. For information, eall 847-8231. May 24 — A Night In Old Hawai'i The Honolulu Academy of Arts celebrates its 75 th anniversary, and Nā Mele o Hawai'i series presents Genoa Keawe in an evening of music and memories of Hawai'i's most famous beach. 7:30 p.m. Honolulu Academy of Arts. $15. For information, eall 532-8768. Friv May 24-Sun. May 26 — 2nd Annual Kaua'i Polynesian Festival The dances of Tahiti, Aotearoa and Sāmoa eome alive at the eelebration and cultural exchange sponsored by the Kamanawa Foundation. Kukui Grove Park and Pavilion, Līhu'e. For additional information, eall 808-335-6466 or 808-335-5765. Sat., May 25 — Nā Mea Hawai'i Hula Kahiko Performance
Kumu Hula Nāleialoha Nāpaepae-Kūnewa and her Hālau o kaleiho'ohiehie o Kona perform at the Volcano Naīional Park's pā hula, and will be joined by Kumu Hula Kaho'okele Crabbe, Keli'i Tau'ā and Puna Dawson in this premier performance by the Lōkālia Montgomery Foundation. 10:30 a.m. Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Free. (Park entry fee may apply. For information, eall 808-967-8222. ■