Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — OHA Legislataive update [ARTICLE]
OHA Legislataive update
On April 26, the Hawai'i State Legislature took action on the following OHA bills. Look for a full review of Hawaiian-related bills in the June issue of KWO or log on to www.OHA.org. HB 2400/SB2476 Relating to Interim Revenues for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Provides for interim revenues for fiscal year 20022003 to extend lapse date of funds previously appropriated; provides further instruction for the legislative auditor on its efforts to establish the information system under Act 125, Session Laws of Hawaii 2000. Status\ HB 2400 Allows the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to award grants. Appropriates funds as interim revenues to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Status: SB 2478 Allows trustees of OHA to participate in and receive the same retirement benefits as other state elected officials. Such benefits will be paid for by trust funds, not general fund revenues. Status: