Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 5, 1 May 2002 — Scholarship ball [ARTICLE]
Scholarship ball
Leimomi Khan, president of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, announced that their club's annual Holokū Ball scholarship fund raiser is set for June 1 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, "Hawaiian Souvenirs - He Makana Hi'ipoli Makamae" (a precious gift held close to the heart) is this year's theme, Outstanding eommunity members will also be honored including Kahauanu Lake, musician, composer, and official of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame; Edith Kawelohea McKinzie, genealogist, kumu hula and cultural resource; as well as two long-time club members: Katherine Farm and Sarah Kauka, Tickets for the formal dinner event are $75, a portion of whieh is tax deductable, For tickets and information, eall Holokū Ball Chair Patricia Dela Vega at 239-1637, or HCCH Vice President Luana Salā at 523-6280/671-1637.