Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 April 2002 — He manaʻo no Mauna Kea, kū haʻo ika mālie [ARTICLE]
He manaʻo no Mauna Kea, kū haʻo ika mālie
Aloha 'ohana: Your kokua is needed to protect Mauna Kea, the sacred temple, Hawai'i Nei. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) seeks to immediately begin construction on four to six new telescopes. NASAhas not met the federal requirements outlined in the Naīional Historic Preservation Act or produced an Environmental Impact Statement, as required by the Naīional Environmental Policy Act. The University of Hawai'i recently applied to the Board of Land and Natural Resources on behalf of NASA's Outrigger Telescopes for a Conservation District Use Permit. If this permit is granted, NASA could begin construction on the mountain immediately. NASA's is the first proposed project under the new UH Master Plan. This plan was adopted June 2000 by the UH Board of Regents, in spite of broad public opposition. This plan was considered to be a eompromise and heralded as an overall reduction of telescope development on Mauna Kea. In reality, the Plan calls for the construction of at least 40 new telescopes and support structures to be built on the sacred mauna, increasing the minimum total number
of telescopes and support structures atop Mauna Kea to 76! Mauna Kea is Wao Akua, the burial ground of our highest born and most sacred ancestors; it is where the sacred waters of Kane originate, and home of Na Akua. Mauna Kea is our most high wahi pana. No federal Environmental Impact Statement has ever been conducted for any project on Mauna Kea. The observatories pay only $1 per year in lease rent. We must demand that our groundwater, endangered species and our sacred things be protected, perpetuated and restored. No E.I.S., no permit! Please visit KAHEA's website www.kahea.org to download our Mauna Kea fact sheet and a comprehensive report on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea, Kū Ha'o i ka Mālie - (Mauna Kea, Standing Alone in the Calm). In Aloha we remain, Royal Order of Kamehameha I - Moku o Māmalahoa; Heiau Helu ' Elua ; 'īlio'ulaokalani Coalition; KAHEA: The Native Hawaiian-Environmental Allianee; and Mauna Kea Anaina Hou.
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