Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2002 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ah Wai Young — We axe updating the genealogy and mailing list for Ah Wai Young, Lillie Saffeiy and Kalei Aping Tung Loo, children were tim, Willie, robert, Samuel Young and Rachel (Waiolama) Kahauolopua, Other "ohana include descendants of Elizabeth Young Lunsford,Rachel Ha'oPaiaina, Moses Konia, Salome Young and Lueille Keli'i, For contact information, see Maunakea/Alapa'i listing. Kaaa - On April 14, an 'ohana reunion will be held at Pōka'ī Bay Beach Park, 9 a,m,-5 p,m, Look for banner, Potluck event, Descendants include Kaaa, Apo, Bandmann, Biven, Charles, Diaz, Dupont, Enos, Kahale, Kalaukoa, Kala,
Kupau, Kinolau, Lake, Laeha, Hueh, Mitchell, Mahi, Manuel, Maafala, Pai, Rosa, Toyama, branching from Kaaa, Kalaukoa and Mahi lines. For information, eall Jeanne Kahanaoi at 668-791 1, Kahauolopua — We are updating genealogy information and mailing list for the family of Joseph Kahauolopua and Kealohakaumai, There children were Joseph, Jack, James, Eben, Edward and Mitchel Kahauolopua and Mariah Asabedo and Lueille Veincent. For contact information, see Maunakea/Alapa'i listing, Kalama — a reunion is scheduled for May 24-26 in 'Iosepa, Utah, We hope
you will join the family for a three-day family reunion As the living Kalama 'ohana, it is fitting that we honor Maka'ōpiopio, the woman who began the ehain of gospel generations that we enjoy today. Activities include temple sessions, a talent show, luncheons, banquets, recreation, etc, To register, log on to www.kalamaohana.org, or eall Lanee TeNgaio, 801-785-0855, or write 370 E. 1640 N., Pleasant Grove, Ut 84062, or email lancetng@aol.com. Registration deadline is April 15. Kauaua — This is a revision of the announcement published in the last five issues on the Kauaua 2002 reunion for Kelii-o-Nahuawai Kauaua on Maui: We
are not asking for your genealogical information. However, if you wish to share your information with us at the genealogy workshop at the reunion, we would e most grateful. We understand that your genealogy is a private and personal treasure and that we do not have the right to ask anyone for this information. We aplogize for any misconcetpion th eprior announcements may have caused. If you have any questions or for information, contact Georgiana Rocha at grocha@hawaiisafety.com, phone 808-572-2393; or Josephine Harris at jharrisll9@hotmail.com, phone 808-244-0587. See REUNIONS on page 13
REUNIONSfrom page 12 Keokilele Halemanu Ukeke — On July 13, a reunion will be held on Kaua'i for the family of Keokilele whose parents were Halemanu Ukeke and Kauahipolua. Children (with Coggeshall): Fanny, Sarah, Eliza, and Mary; (with Malina): Harriet, Uilama, Peter, Julite, John and Kolomana. For information eall Collen Nadarisay at 808-245-2513, Box 66-2028, Puhi, HI 96766; or Luka Goo, 808-246-9152, Box 822, Līhu'e, HI 96766. Komomua/Ko'amokumokuohe'eia — Nā Pulapula o Komomua ine. has been established by the descendants of Komomua (k) and his wife, Ko'amokumokuohe'eia. Family names include Akona, McCabe, Jones, Scott, Rowan, Adams, Wong, PekeloKahana'oi, Fuller, Kaho'okele, Lee, Yuen, Pa, Ka'akua, Kanae, Kahinu, Aki, Kahaku, Chock, Farley, Joseph, etc. In preparation for our 2003 reunion, meetings are usually at 9 a.m. on the last Sunday of eaeh month at the Kāne'ohe home of Kawaikapu Hewett, family-elected luna noho and kahuna nui. For information, email Keoho Fujimoto at ealohae@hgea.org or eall 247-4131. Please mail in your family genealogy information, including names, birth dates and location, marriage and divorce dates and location, children's names and birthdates and location, etc. Include pictures and data
on all generations known. This information is being put onto the Family Treemaker program, Version 8, so if you already use this program, please submit your printed forms. Write to Nā Pulapula o Komomua,Inc. at P. O. Box 5253, Kaneohe, HI. 96744. A newsletter with meeting minutes and interesting family stories is being circuclated $10 annual fee. E alu like e Nā Pulapula o Komomua! Mālama aku, mālama mai ! Lee/Rowan — The descendants of Wai Lee and Rosaline Kaualua Rowan are holding a reunion July 19-22. Friday: free day; Saturday : genealogy workshop and banquet at the Pagoda Hotel; Sunday: memoiial service and beach pienie; and Monday: group golf. The tentative site for the pienie is Bellows AFB in Waimanalo.Final details will be posted later on the specific site. If you did not get your reunion notice in the mail^ eall 247-4131, or write to Stanley Fujimoto, at 44-756 Kāne'ohe Bay Drive, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Reservations deadlineis May 12. Please include your T-shirt sizes and your genealogy book orders with your response and payment. Email ealohae@hgea.org. Aloha a hui hou! Maunakea/Alapa'i — A Maunakea reunion is planned for July 27-28 at the Wai'anae Army Recreation Center. The children of James Maunakea and Lilia Alapa'i were William, James, Joseph/John and Elizabeth Wainonaula
Kawaihae and Elizabeth Rycroft Keli'iho'omalu. Other descendants are Hekekia, Kuikahi, Joachin Silva, Kalawe, Matthews, Beazley, Figuiera and more. All families are encouraged to eall Ruby Maunakea at 668-9440 or write to 89-081 Kīhonua Pl, Wai'anae, HI 96792-3813. Nu'uhiwa/Maweke — To the descendants of the Nu'uhiwa/Māweke line: Please contact us regarding a matter that has to do with the iwi of our tūtūs. Call 'Iwalani Arakaki at 808-553-3559; write to P.O. Box 143, Kauanakakai, HI 96748. Paauhau — The descendants of Keaona and Maoauwaa Paauhau are having a family reunion July 4-7 at Miloli'i Beach Park in South Kona, Hawai'i. Their offspring are (lst) Milikaa, Kekuanoni, Halai, Kahulanui, Kaipo; (2nd) Milikaa, Agnes, Kekuewa, Kinoiki, Pahipahi, Kapiolani; (3rd) Milikaa, Lono, Leleahana Kekahuna, Kahalekula, Kahula, Kamana'o and Joseph. For more information, contact the following: Shirley Casuga, Box 6101 Oeean View, HI 96737, 808-328-9780; Lucy Akau, 41-792 Kalaniana'ole, Hwy., Waimānalo, HI 96795, 259-5222; Sarah K. Kahele, 144 Ka'ie'ie Pl., Hilo, HI 96720, 808-959-1607; Mary Cachero, 15-2708 He'epali St„ Pāhoa, HI 96778, 808-965-7344; or Tom Garibaldi, Box 6558, Oeeahn View, HI 96737, 808-328-8187.
Peliiwaiolama — We are updating genealogy information and mailing list for Peliiwaiolama, Elizabeth Ahu and Elizabeth Ho'okano. children were Solomon Lovell; Joseph and Jeremiah Waiolama; Clarence, Able and Henry Takamori Waiolama; Castle, Solomon, Louis, Herman and Queen Emma Leong, Elizabeth Kamakani Palakiko Maka, Bernice and Carol Ramos. For contact information, see Maunakea/Alapa'i listing. Poaipuni / Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua — A 2003 reunion is planned on Maui, Aug. 29-31. We are looking for information on families of the Poaipuni, 'Aipu'upu'uimuaona-Keolana-ali'i-Kauaua (a.k.a Pu'upu'u Nahuawai kauaua). If you have family information, we would appreciate you contacting reunion president Geri Ku'ulei Kalawai'a, 808-878-3420 (days, Mon.-Fri.), or write to P.O. Box 904, Kula, HI 96790. Santos-Lemos — We are updating genealogy information and mailing list for the family of Manuel Santos-Lemos and Maria Rapoza. Their children were William, Arthur Patrick, Marie, Sophie Maunakea, Emily Ah Nee Newman, Beatrice Pi'imoku and Rosa Saucedo. For contact information, see Maunakea/Alapa'i listing. ■