Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 April 2002 — Mauna Kea [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mauna Kea
By Naomi Sodetani The wēkiu, summit, of Mauna Kea looms as a pinnaele of controversy where cultures and opposing needs collide, Since ancient times, Polynesians have revered the snow-capped "white mountain," the highest peak in the Pacific, as wao akua, home of powerful deities, including the snow goddess Poli'ahu and her sister Līlīnoe, the goddess of mists, But for 30 years, the summit has also been home to the world's largest observatory complex, managed by the University of Hawai'i, Here astronomers peering at distant galaxies, crave for more and bigger telescopes to further their science, That desire clashes with that of modern Hawaiians to protect the sacred realm of their gods, ancestral burials, and endangered wildlife that dwell here, The battle lines were sharply drawn at Board of Land and Natural Resources hearings held in Kona and Hilo on March 20 and 21, Hundreds testified on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Outriggers Telescope Project that proposes to construct six more telescopes adjacent to the existing W.M, Keek Observatory, At the hearing, four Hawaiian organizations notified the board of their intention to petition for a eontested case hearing this month: The
Royal Order of Kamehameha I, the Mauna Kea Anaina Hou (MKAH), whieh represents cultural practitioners including those whose ancestors are buried on Mauna Kea, 'īlio'ulaokalani, and KAHEA,
Linked with the existing Keek I and II telescopes, the six smaller 'outriggers' will extend Keck's viewing capacity and establish it as the most powerful telescope optical facility in the world, NASA and its partners, the University īnstitute for Astronomy (IfA), and the California Association for Research in Astronomy (CARA), say the proposed development will enable NASA's Origins program to obtain information on the creation of galaxies, stars and planets and to identify planets with
conditions necessary to support life, Rising 13,746 feet from sea level, the summ.it offers astronomers ideal viewing conditions and the Outrigger project is essential "to preserve Hawai'i's reputation as having the premier observatory in the Northern hemisphere with cutting-edge technology," said IfA director Rolf Kudritzki, But critics of the proposed expansion, including OHA, say NASA's application and final environmental assessment published in mid-March fall far short, OHA Deputy Administrator Colin Kippen submitted written testimony calling the application "ineomplete," "Draft documents originally submitted were substantially modified by the final EA and MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) recently proffered by NASA after the CDUA was submitted for review," and "as a matter of fundamental fairness," the DLNR should deny a permit, Kippen said, OHA contends that NASA must complete an Environmental Impact Statement detailing how the agency will protect natural and cultural resources, including ancient burials, aquifer, and endangered species habitats at the summit, OHA trustees have set aside $50,000 to undertake litigation to ensure resource protection if necessary, A 1998 state legislative audit had
strongly criticized the management of Mauna Kea's natural and cultural resources by both the University and DLNR as inadequate, The deputy director told the BLNR that it has not addressed points raised in the audit, He also reminded the board of the state's "non-delegable duty to assess and protect Native Hawaiian rights" recently underscored by the Hawai'i Supreme Court in the Kapa'akai v. Lanā Use Commission decision, Since 1968, the University of Hawai'i has held a dollar-per-year lease for use of 11,288 acres of ceded land from the state, Yet billions of dollars have been spent to establish a 600-acre 'astronomy precinct' constituting the world's largest observatory complex with 13 existing telescopes built by U,S, and international users, The current plan potentially allows the building of 76 more telescopes, said Mauna Kea Anaina Hou founder Kealoha Pisciotta, a former telescope technician employed at the observatory for 12 years, "This issue is a sanctity of life question and the religious nature of Mauna Kea as a temple," she said, "Mauna Kea is just as awesome as any statue of Buddha or St, Peter's Cathedral or the holy city of Jerusalem," said Paul Neves of the Royal Order, "And man did not make it, God made it," ■
Nā Mokupuni
Science, culture, clash over future ofsacred mountain
Ho'okupu cire frequently offerecl cit the surnrnit of Mounei Keei in tribute to Wōkeei, Poli'eihu einel the cincestors.
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