Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 April 2002 — Unnecessary lawsuits [ARTICLE]
Unnecessary lawsuits
A March 5 news article about OHA discrimination is being focused on needlessly, OHA was created by all the state's voter, following up on the terms of the 1898 annexation of Hawai'i, "that all of the ceded lands ineome be used solely for the education and public purposes of the inhabitants," īnhabitants are permanent residents and citizens of the lawful govern-
ment of Hawai'i who possessed a vested interest in all of Hawai'i's lands, They were readily identified by the giant 1987 petition that favored retaining their own government while opposing annexation, Natives still possess their inherent sovereignty even if their home has since been occupied, All states joined the union by consent or voluntarily, Hawai'i did not, as seen by the 1897 petition of citizens to keep their operating government and oppose annexation and stall the proposed treaty, īn 1898, the questionable resolution of annexation was implemented, Because it was a domestic internal act of the congress, the 1898 resolution was not valid as it impacted territory beyond the borders of its continental domain, The 1993 Apology Bill was one effort to address this shortcoming, Continuing lawsuits are not necessary to use the courts to become beneficiaries, Louis Agard Honolulu ■ OHA reserves the right to edit all letters for length, defamatory and libelous material, and other objectionable content, and reserves the right to print. All letters must be typed, signed and not exceed 200 words. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813 or email to oha@aloha.net.