Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2002 — Ford Lee fund [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ford Lee fund

ī'm writing in deep regards to our 'ohana's recent loss, Big Mahalos to all hearts near and far for their time and donations given to the Ford Lee Scholarship Fund honoring the late Ford Lee to help disadvantaged children with their college education, Ford Lee Ah Sang Pononui Yockman was the baby of our family, He was born on Jan, 3, 1958 to William Keānuenue Yockman Sr, and Grace Momi Lee, and died on Feb, 16 to Our Heavenly Father, He is survived by his father, his dearest friend Debbie Moyle/Yockman and their four children Cassie Ann, Candace, Calsee, and Chevy, by his

five brothers and sisters William, Grace Kato, Robert, Dancette Yockman, and Donna Edwards, his aunts Julia Yockman and Lani Kapiko, and an abundance of family and friends, Ford lived in Pālolo and Kalama valleys, Kaimukī, Waimānalo, Kāne'ohe, and Waikīkī, īn his "hanabadah days," he went to Koko Head Elementary School, Niu Valley īntermediate, Kalani and Kailua high schools, Well-known for his strength, he played football in school and became a construction worker, He also freely shared his aloha and would go up to anyone and just wala'au, Brother Ford Lee was last seen in the Pacific off Kaiona Beach Park in Waimānalo, where his ashes were scattered, so he will be touched by all, He's the "big kahuna" of the sea, Oonna E. Edwards 'Ohana Pearl City Contributors to the fund should make checks out to Donna E. Edwards, 975 Maiha Circle, Pearl City, HI 96782.