Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2002 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Financial Report

ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ASSETS FUNDS ACCOUNT CROUPS Cash in State Treasury $ 7,822,074 Cash in outside accounts 7,949,662 Accounts/other ieceivables 7,034 Notes receivable, net of allowanee for doubtful accounts of $4,575,915 15,617,245 Inteiest/dividends receivable 1,888,814 Interfund receivable 3,764,937 Prepaid expenses and security deposits 447,991 Investments 315,576,177 Land/building $1,125,404 Leasehold improvements 538,405 Machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures 1 ,5 12,793 Provided for pa}mient of: ♦ Vacation benefits/comp time off 536,108 ♦ Estimated claims and judgments 460,026 ♦ Operating lease rents/capital lease 28,252 TOTAL ASSETS $353,073,934 $4,200,898 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Due to state $ 110,000 Accounts/other payables 9 1 1 ,924 Inter-fund payable 3,764,937 Vacation benefits/comp. time off $536,018 Operating lease rents Estimated claims and judgments 460,026 Capital lease obligation 28,252 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 4,786,861 $1,024,296 Fund Equity: Investments in fixed assets $3,176,602 Fund balance ♦ Reser\'ed $ 20,480,725 ♦ Designated 53,445,578 ♦ Undesignated 274,360,770 Total Fund Equity $348,287,073 $3,176,602 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $353.073.934 $4.200.898

REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES REVENUES State general fund appropriations $ 2 619 663 Public land trust g 535 Di\ddend and interest ineome g 220 501 Native Hawaiian Rights Fund 3 Q^g Federal and other grants j 5 Newspaper ads, donations, other revenues 27 551 Non-imposed fringe benefits 51137 Hawaiian Projects Fund _q_ TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,995,959 EXPENDITURES Current programs: ♦ Board of Trastees $ 1,834,856 ♦ Administration 2,328.267 ♦ Program Systems 1,320,528 ♦ Hawaiian Rights 1 ,25 1 ,508 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 6,735,159 EXCESS (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ 3,260,800 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) $ (? 415 54?) Realized gain on sale of investments (6'525'229) Net increase (decrease) in unrealized gain (loss) on investments held ' ' (733) Lapse of cash to State General Fund TOTAI OTHFR FINANriNG SOURCFS (IJSFS) * EXCESS (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses , ... $ (10,680,714) FUND BAFANCE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD $358.967.787 $ 348 287 073 FUND BALANCE, ENP OF PERIOD , ,
