Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2002 — Mauna Kea hearings [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mauna Kea hearings

On Mar. 20 and 21, Board of Land and Natural Resources hearings will be held in Kona and Hilo to obtain public testimony on NASA's application to expand its facilities on the Mauna Kea summit, NASA filed a Conservation District Use Application to eonstruct and operate six 1,8 meter Outrigger Telescopes and structures at the W.M. Keek Observatory Site, NASA contends that its proposed use won't adversely affect the mountain many Hawaiians consider sacred, The Outrigger project is strongly opposed by the Royal Order of Kamehameha ī, Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, and other Hawaiian and environmental groups, OHA is engaged in a 106 consul~ tation and is reviewing the possible impacts of the project and contends

that NASA should complete an environmental impact statement beyond the environmental assess~ ment the agency has done, The proposed site has been determined a historic property by the state historic preservation office, quali~ fied for inclusion on the National Historic Register, The federal historic preservation act requires federal projects that might impact historic properties to consult with cultural representatives, A copy of NASA's application is available for review at the Land Division offices in Kona and Hilo and at the Hilo public library, Persons with a legal interest that may be adversely affected by the application have the right to request an administrative contested case hearing, A written petition must be made wkhin 10 days following the hearing, The hearings will be Mar, 20, 01d Kona Airport, Events Pavilion in Kailua-Kona at 6 p.m,; and Mar, 21, County Councilroom, 25 Aupuni St,, Rm, 201 in Hilo at 6 p.m, ■