Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 March 2002 — Education convention [ARTICLE]
Education convention
Educators of Native Hawaiian students and cultural practitioners are invited to participate in third annual Native Native Hawaiian Education Association convention March 26-28 at Leeward Community College, The conference will feature disSee NEWSBRIEFS on page 5
NEWSBRIEFS from page 4 cussions regarding charter schools, cultural standards in the schools and teacher education aud their impact on Hawaiian students, Workshops include presentations on pre-school to adult education, curriculum development, community~ based programs and professional development, The Ke Kukui Mālamalama Educators of the Year Award will be announced, NHEA is a grassroots organization that supports, encourages and furthers the work of educators teaching with a cultural perspective, The conference theme "liko a'e" (emerging forth) signifies the child's growth strengthened by the path of the ancestors, and also the group's goal to bring educators and future educators together to share their successes and discuss the ehallenges of Native Hawaiian educa~ tion in the 21st century, Registration fee is $100 before March 2, and $150 after, Limited scholarships available, For scholar~ ship applications, eall 956-8204, For information call974-7678;
email cdamate@hawaii.edu or log into www.nhea.net.