Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2002 — Interns honored [ARTICLE]
Interns honored
Five Hawaiian technology interns have successfully completed extensive six-month field training at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, On Feb, 22, Alu Like īne, and the Laboratory hosted a certificate ceremony held at the Prince Kūhiō Federal Building honoring National Security Field Experience īnitiative interns Jodi U'ilani Peralta, ,Amber Aiona, Roland Kaneta, Robert Hamili and Thomas Emmsley,
The interns worked under the mentorship of Lab scientists in fields ranging from astronomyrelated adaptive optics to forensic science to remote sensing, gaining valuable skills toward careers in science and technology and further college education, The interns bring the number of Native Hawaiians to 30 who have been certified through the training program since its ineephon in June 1996, The program's goal is "to develop a Native Hawaiian work force qualified to engage in various defense, technological, and environmental activities in Hawai'i and the Pacific Region,"