Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 March 2002 — ʻOhana search [ARTICLE]
ʻOhana search
īf any one knows of my aunt, Amelia Markle, I would be very pleased to hear from you, Amelia was born Feb, 14, 1923, in Hāna,
Maui, Her father was Eddie (Edzel) Markle, and her mother was Roman (Roma) Keaulani, Eddie was my grandfather, married to my grandmother, Rachel Agnes Markle, the youngest of four children, The eldest, Herbert, still lives in Wahiawā; the second, Blanche, lives in Palm Springs, Calif; Albert (Sonny) passed away, as did my mother, I have been told that Aunt Amelia married a man named Brown from the Big īsland, and that she had two girls and a boy, who would be my cousins, Any family information would be greatly appreciated, Please write me at 2074 Sylvan Way, West Linn, Or 97068; or eall 503-638-7968. Henry K. Mahi Oregon
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