Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2002 — Educating paʻahao [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Educating paʻahao

I write this letter to express the needs concerning the eduction of See LETTERS on page 3

LETTERS from page 2 Hawaiians (like me) who are displaced on the mainland by the prison system, ī am a tutor in the A,B,E, program at Florence Correctional Center whieh offers opportunities to mmates who desire to obtain G,E,D, certificates while they are incarcerated, While tutoring, ī have discerned a real ignorance about our Hawaiian culture and heritage, The A,B,E instructor ī tutor under has developed a program that uses videos to teach about customs and influences that have affected the European, African and ,American nations, but falls short when it comes to Hawai'i, Not many Hawaiians know about the history of kī hō'alu, the paniolo, or the great biographies of some of the

legendary men and women who added to the rich history of post missionary Hawai'i, ī know there are videos produced by such advocates as Eddie Kamae, Edgy Lee and others like them, ī am seeking an advocate who will solicit videos and books (through a sponsor) and be willing to send them to the education department of Florence Correctional Center in Arizona, Thank you for your available ears, Roger Alohilani Lineoln Florence, AZ

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