Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2002 — Response to Johnny [ARTICLE]
Response to Johnny
I remember kids like Johnny. He claims his family owns the playground, when actually the whole neighborhood built it. His grand parents played with everyone, but Johnny is spoiled and can't play nicely with anyone. He wants to nm all over the playground and play with all the toys. That's okay. But in addition he hogs his favorite areas and demands one wheel off every toy truck, one marble out of every five, and exclusive use of the jungle-jim 20 percent of the time. Johnny's crying now because the big kid says everybody must play nicely together and share. No more hogging the best areas. No more taking a pieee off every toy for himself before letting the other kids play with him. He's upset now, but maybe if we're niee he'll stop his tantrum. Onee upon a time a bully took all his toys. Then Johnny played with a cardboard cylinder from a toiletpaper roll, imagining it was a shovel or a truck. The bully took even that! His sad story moved me to action. I have sent him a replacement cardboard toilet-paper tube. Perhaps he ean use it as a truck to elean up his February "crapalanehe" (Johnny's own big word). Da "Bearded 5/ob// (Johnny's appellation) Kāne'ohe