Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2002 — Thompson tribute [ARTICLE]
Thompson tribute
Aloha mai. Unele Pinky Thompson was a humhle man with a big heart. When he believed in something, he was a warrior. Yet his gentle and soft-spoken style, mixed with his great sense of humor and deep passion were ingredients to get the job done. He dedicated his life to helping those in need and accomplished more in one lifetime than we ean only dream of. He was a gifted diplomat and most of all, a warm, loving, kind human being. Beyond all of his noted national and loeal achievements, he was a steersman for Hui Nalu Canoe Club and a bass player. That set the tone for his life's work. If something was off in timing, he would gently work his paddlers until they blended. If it was out of tune, he would work it until the music flowed. His vision of a better Hawai'i for Hawai'i's people eame from the 'āina. He was a true keiki o ka 'āina. While I steered the eanoe at his service, I flashed through the 35 years that I knew him. How he took me as his hānai at a time of darkness and guided me with
the light of aloha. He encouraged me to be proud of my ancestors and most of all to believe in myself. His home was a pu'uhonua, a plaee to heal and feel safe. He made a profound difference in my life. His radiant smile and genuine worlds of comfort will be missed. His strong spirit of aloha knows no boundaries. His many programs whieh touch Hawai'i's babies to kūpuna, connecting islands of the vast Pacific to the native tribes of Alaska will eonhnue. His vision was far beyond the horizon. Hawai'i Loa, with 40 or so canoes, escorted Unele Pinky on his final joumey to sea. Outside Niu, a valley he so loved, he made his way back home. As our eanoe touched land, a squall of rain eame, a message that our beloved Unele Pinky will always be near to continue to nurture us. May Pinky's star eonhnue to shine above Niu Valley and throughout this earth to guide his 'ohana, and remind us to live aloha as he so graciously did. Mahalo e ke akua for this makana. Puna Kihoi Ke'ei
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