Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 2, 1 February 2002 — 'Aloha for All' a pre-school bully manifestation [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Aloha for All' a pre-school bully manifestation
When I was a four-year-old in preschool, there was this egomaniacal bully who would hog all the toys in the sandbox. His freakish size would indicate that he had been kept back, although I find it inconceivable that someone could actually flunk preschool. Anyway, he took everything: the shovels, the buckets, the trucks, the rocket ship — everything. Since he was such a tormenting monstrosity and could do so, he made sure no one else got to play with anything. This happened despite the fact that there was no way he could possibly utilize all those items at onee. Fortunately for me, I managed to commandeer a toilet paper roll, and unlike the toyNazi, I had an imagination. That cardboard cylinder became my shovel. īt became my bucket. īt became my truck. īt became my rocket ship. So what did this vile browbeater do? He shoved me to the ground and took the toilet paper roll. That's right; he had every toy that was there, and he took the toilet paper roll. He just could not be truly happy until he had everything and everyone else was left with nothing.
Just when ī thought we'd seen the last of the bestial movement known as 'Aloha for All,' a certain loeal weekly newsmagazine goes and puts that ignoracist on their cover. One of the ironies of the whole exploit is that the individuals who spawned 'Aloha for All' are truly benighted to what the word means. Their nonsensical blathering about it being part of constitutional law of the United States de-Hawaiianizes 'aloha'. īt is not surprising since their whole cause is a crapalanche of fallacy. They elaim that their objective is equality. When looking at the reality of wealth and power dispersion in this country and state, one does not need to be an attorney, a Big īsland rancher, a former owner of the Honolulu Advertiser, or a bearded slob, to whiff the stench of inequality that prevails. For those privileged individuals with no apparent life, there are many worthy cases of discrimination to take on. Yet while statistics show the adverse results among people of color and women resulting from the ugly aberrations of prejudice, the ram-backing forces behind the
soiled moll that is 'Aloha for All' have decided that fighting Hawaiian entitlements is a battle more worthy of their attention. Apparently they
feel that as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is dedicated to bettering the conditions of Hawaiians, being rich ,Aryan men, they are not getting
their fair share. ,And what exactly is the injury done to them by the OHA? īf one observes the misanthropic barnacle that was their poster boy in a recent court case, apparently nothing. While feeding off the largess of the government, this leeeh on society applied for the OHA's Native Hawaiian Loan Fund. Any desire on his part to actually receive anything is suspect, however, considering his half-baked effort at filling out the application followed by his refusal to resubmit it when it was returned for further information. His fight to participate in native gathering rights when the only gathering he had ever done, according to him, had been of "mud on (his) shoes" is too lugubrious for words. īt seems that all he really wanted to gather was ke kuleana o ke kanaka 'ōiwi for himself, a non-'ōiwi - not out of any kind of need, but of a desire to take away from Hawaiians. ī don't know what became of that contumelious imbecile ī eneountered in preschool, nor do ī care, but my guess is that he strongly supports the 'Aloha for All' movement. ■
When looking at the reality of wealth ancf power dispersion in this country and state, one does not need to he an attorney, a Big lsland rancher, a former owner of the Honolulu Advertiser, or a bearded slob, to whiff the stench of inequality that prevails.
John D. Waihe'e IV Trusfee,, At-large