Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 2, 1 February 2002 — Thoughts on OHA's Hawaiian registry [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Thoughts on OHA's Hawaiian registry
Aloha 'auinalā, aloha kakahiaka, aloha mahina etc, The missionaries made the words that go with the word "aloha," īn the days of old, Hawaiians just said "Aloha," because they always knew what time of day it was, The missionary way is okay because at least we are adding something and not deleting anything, Food for thought, How mueh more did the missionaries impose? Since ī missed the last two issues of Ka Wai Ola o OHA articles, may ī wish a belated Merry Christmas and happy new year to one and all, "Mele Kalikimaka me ka hau'oli makahiki hou," Now, back to OHA business.
What is the purpose for the Hawaiian Registry? At first, we called it the Hawaiian Genealogy Bank, īt went through Alu Like, ī thought; Hawaiian Home Lands, ī know; the Board of Heath; and then when it eame to OHA, they changed the name to Operation 'Ohana, Now it's being addressed as the Hawaiian Registry, As ī recall, this all started back in 1986, when Georgiana Padeken was the head of Hawaiians Homes and Winona Rubin was head of Alu Like, Mahalo to these two ladies for all their hard work in Hawaiian activities, So now, at OHA, we start again, If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again, Why is the Hawaiian Registry so important? īt will onee and for all
identify Hawaiians who have the Hawaiian blood regardless of blood quantum, Fifty percent, 25 percent, less that 25 percent, Our ancestors make us Hawaiians, īt is amazing the response ī received from my last two articles in the Ka Wai Ola o OHA newspaper, Everybody agrees we must have one voice, one race of people, but eaeh response reflected the name of our race, ī am not going to mention the names that were suggested, but for myself in today's world, ī prefer to be a Hawaiian, ī hope we ean start the Hawaiian Registry by next month, But, you know what? Nobody at OHA relies on pure eommon sense, Everything is checked with the law, checked
with the Attorney General's office, checked with DAGS (Department of Accounting and General Services), checked with the Land and Natural Resources, just to name a few, īn other words, we have our attorneys, but is seems their word is not good enough, so we have to always eheek again, Ohl Yes, The Hawaiian Registry, OHA will give out identification cards like the senior citizens cards, and we will use the cards for many purposes, Next month, ī will explain OHA's financial plans for only native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, A hui hou, Aloha, ■
Linda Dela Cruz Trustee , Hawai'i