Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2002 — Who's native? [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Who's native?

īn the December issue of Ka Wai Ola o OHA , Lmda Dela Cruz defines the word "native" by quoting the English dictionary. "Native" is an English word. Originally, the islands of Hawai'i were inhabited by Hawaiian people. They inhabited these islands for many centuries before others eame and slowly took over. The neweomers imprisoned our Queen and overthrew our government, against the will of the Hawaiians. Now, others eall themselves "Hawaiians" because they were born and raised here, or now reside here. These people now say that they are entitled to land. How was this land acquired? By military force. I am half Hawaiian. My father was pure Hawaiian, but Americanized. He spoke Hawaiian until he was 10, then gave up his native language for English. He gave up his culture to adopt one with less conflict. How sad. īf one tries to be Hawaiian, we are put down for it. But when others from elsewhere adopt our culture, it's

okay. Others are encouraged to adopt the Hawaiian culture, yet Hawaiians are discouraged from doing so. When you say, Linda Dela Cruz, that "Native Hawaiians: anyone born in Hawai'i," you hurt the descendants of those with Hawaiian blood. īt is heartbreaking. īt destroys the heart and soul of those who are Hawaiian. Nālani Scharsch Via the lnternet