Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 1, 1 January 2002 — Board of Trustees [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Board of Trustees

Clayton Hee Chairman, Trustee, O'ahu Tei: 808.594.1888 Fax: 808.594.1864 Email: liliak@oha.org

Rowena Akana Vice Chair, Trustee, At-large Tei: 808.594.1860 Fax: 808.594.0209 Email: rowenaa@oha.org

Haunani Apoliona Trustee, At-large Tei: 808.594.1886 Fax: 808.594.1875 Email: haunania@oha.org

Donald Cataluna Trustee, Kaua'i anel Ni'ihau Tei: 808.594.1881 Fax: 808.594.0211 Email: m arions@oha.org

Linda K. Dela Cruz Trustee, h-lawai'i Tei: 808.594.1855 Fax: 808.594.1883 Email: lindad@oha.rog

Colette Y. P. Machado Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i Tei: 808.594.1837 Fax: 808.594.0212 Email: colettem@oha.org

Charles Ota Trustee, Maui Tei: 808.594.1879 Fax: 808.594.0210 Email: tionaw@oha.rog

Oz Stender Trustee, At-large Tei: 808.594.1877 Fax: 808.594.1853 Email: oswaids@oha.org

John D. Waihe'e IV Trustee, At-large Tei: 808.594.1838 Fax: 808.594.0208 Email: francinem@oha.org


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