Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2002 — 'Reign' raises the musical bar with eloquence and style [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Reign' raises the musical bar with eloquence and style
By Manu Boyd Kale Chang, 28, knew exactly what he wanted: a sound, a blend and a look. Enter Loa Faimealelei, Kūhiō Yim, Afatia Thompson and Tinifuloa Grey, four young men who round out the up-and-coming quintet "Rein." Ear-catching and eye-catching with a style defined by its members as Polynesian R&B, Reign should be poised to impact not just Hawai'i, but overseas markets hungry for unique talent. "Our music is influenced by jazz, gospel, R&B and hip-hop," said Chang, noting an affinity to the mega-popular mainland group "Take 6" who recently performed in Honolulu. "But we're definitely not a 'boy band'," he insisted. Their music and style is suited for all ages. Donning unpretentious white linen, Reign is young, styling, clean-cut, and loaded with show biz experience. Afatia, son of Tihati Productions' Cha and Jack Thompson, has been around enter-
tainment all his life, So too, Kūhiō Yim, son of singer/recording artist Wainani Kāneali'i. Last year, Tini Grey proposed to his now fiance, Miss America 2000, Angela Baraquio, Loa credits his
parents and in-laws as strong influences, The manager of Mamiya Theater at St, Louis High School, Kale Chang is constantly surrounded by talent. As musical director, arranger and leader of his self-formed band, Chang relies on skills gained academically and through years of performing, "Randie Fong was a big influence on me," said Chang of the performing arts director at his alma mater, Kamehameha Schools, "I went on to major in music at the University of Hawai'i, Nola Nāhulu, the only Hawaiian teaching in the music department, made a deep impression on me, not just in singing and conducting, but in her personality - how she deals with pressure in performance situations, She handles it well," he said, Of Reign's 13 selections, Neil McKay's "J Fell in Love with Honolulu " is the only island standard, and is of the hapa-haole oldies class that Reign intends to update with R&B flair, "We want to attract younger kids to music they may See REIGN on page 13
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Thompson, Chang, Grey, Faimealelei and Yim.
REIGN from page 9 not be familiar with, We generally get good responses on our remakes of older material," " Pono a Chang original with "cross over" potential, was borne out of an uneasy period when things weren't going well with the recording, "Be pono, be humble and pray" expresses that we should pray when things are good, not just when they aren't. Originally "Cool Reign," the former group folded when members sought opportunities on the continent: one singing on Broadway, and the other, to Las Vegas where he performs as a fire knife dancer in the critically acclaimed "O" extravaganza, "Reign" was selected as the re-formed group's name because it is short and easy to remember, But what it really means, says Chang, is that God reigns over all they do, underscoring the spiritual depth shared in eommon among members, The project was produced by Reign Records, owned
by Chang, John Aeto and Miehael Grande, McCloud Productions, also owned by Chang, handles promotions for them as well as other musicians, Their musical peers, according to Chang, are Chant, DisGuyz, Pacific Blue and 808. "It's wonderful working together, We don't just blend musically, We like hanging out," he said, "What we're really all about is letting young Polynesians know that there's more out there than just jamming - there's a lot of good music they won't hear on the radio, Go to the symphony, Take music theory, Don't let others tell you what good music is, Go out and find it, Don't let the media make your decisions for you, Sing your own song, I want to see more Nola Nāhulus and Aaron Mahis - educated and musically intellectual Hawaiians who are out there making a difference," Chang concluded, Check out Reign Sat,, Jan, 12, 9 p.m, at Kapono's at the Aloha Tower Marketplace, ■