Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 1, 1 January 2002 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA BEAUTY REUNIONS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka'a'a - On April 14, an 'ohana reunion will be held at Pōka'ī Bay Beach Paik, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fliers with more details are forthcoming. For information, eall Jeanne Kahanaoi at 6687911. Kamaile — I am looking for genealogieal information on my maternal great-great-grandmother, Kaleiokamoku Kamaile, born on Hawai'i, died on O'ahu and buried at Kawaiaha'o Cemetery. She has been listed as as Mrs. John Kaluakapanui Anahu, and Rose Kamaile. One of Kaleiokamoku's children was William Nāleilehua Purdy. Other linked families are Dominis, Parker, Pāhau and other Hawai'i island names. Please contact Lloyd N. Ching at 808-889-5867, or write to P.O. Box 787, Kapa'au, HI 96755. Kauaua — A reunion is planned for Aug. 10-11 for the descendants of Kelii-o-Nahuawai Kauaua and Kauai-o-kalani Kanae, through their children, Papai, Kamaka, Puupuu, Apukalei and Moeloa. All 'ohana are welcomed to eome together in prayer and celebration of life. We ask that you send your genealogy information (three generations) as well as the count of family members planning to attend. The event will also include photo displays, t-shirts and leis. Sign up early. For information, email grocha@hawaiisafety.com; jharrisll9@hotmail.com; or holy@gte.net. Sign up earlyl Kekoa — We are seeking information on the descendants of James Ipaapuka Kekoa and first wife, Kanoa Heleluhi, and the 'ohana from their three kamali'i (eaeh with the last name Kekoa): Emily Kealiihoomalu, William Kapuhili and Joseph Keaweopala. Descendants of James Kekoa and his second wife, Mary Kaailaau Hoopi'i (eaeh with the last name Kekoa) are planning a reunion Aug. 9-11 on O'ahu, the last of whieh occurred 25 years ago. Following are

the names of their 10 kamali'i: Edward Ipaapuka, James Kainoa, George Hoapili, Maiy Keliinohopali KekoaKauwe, Samuel Auwa and Dorothy Papai Kekoa-Ahu (twins), Sarah Kaailaau Kekoa-Kawaauhau, Henry Hanalei Ho'opi'i, William Kapuhili and Elaine Kalili Ululani Kekoa-Johnson. Please contact Kloh-Anne (Tiny) Kawaauhau-Drummondo) by calling 808-885-1091 (Hawai'i) so that a mailing list may be compiled. Send photos and genealogy information to Diana Ululani Kawaauhau-Terukina at P.O. Box 1496, Kamuela, HI 96743 or by email at dterukina@aol.com Komomua — The descendants of Komomua (k) and Ko'amokumoku-o-He'e ia(w) are planning a reunion on O'ahu in 2003. Although more research is being done with respect to Komomua and Ko'a, it is known this eouple left Makapala, North Kohala, and moved to Ke'alohi, O'ahu for the purpose of building the stone church for the Catholic Mission in He'eia in 1851. Compilation of the family genealogy is in progress. The main family lines include Wahineali'i, Ka'ou and Kapahi Komomua. Wahineali i married Joseph Sing Tong Awa Chong Akona and had five children: John Awa, Josephine Akamakiu Mary Kahelehaole, Anna Kalili, and Theresa Ha'aeoholani Akona. Ka'ou married Mokukalai Kapalau, but no other information is available. It is not known whether Kapahi Akona married or had issue. In addition to these people, the extended family line of Pekelo is also being included in the reunion plans. This line includes the descendants of Kihei, Nakuea, and Peter Pekelo (a.k.a. Kahana'oi). To submit genealogy or for more information, please contact Keoho Fujimoto by phone at 247-4131; email (ealohae@hgea.org) or by mail at 44756 Kāne'ohe Bay Drive, Kān'ohe, HI 96744. You may also eall Kawaikapu Hewett at 235-3603; email

(kawai_kapu@hotmail.com) or by mail at 45-349 Nāmoku St., Kāne'ohe, H 196744. Kuakahela / Keaka — An 'ohana reunion is planned for July 5-7, in Kailua-Kona. Children of Kuakahela and Keaka are Naiheauhau, Kaaihue, Kealohapauole, Kamau, Kauahi, Malia, Kimona, Keau and Wahinelawaia. Information on descendants of this family is being sought to eompile a family genealogy book. Please send information to Dorcas Hulihe'e Hussey at 45662 Pū'ōhala St„ Kāne'ohe, HI 96744 or by email to dorcashussey@aol.com. For additional information, eall 2473495. Kupono — We are seeking descendants of Kupono and his two wives. The first, Nakuihaaweawe and her children: Puleimoku (w), Nalei (w), Kaluna (k), Kinoulu (k), Kaukaliinea (k), Paiwa (k), kalua (w), Loe (w), Keoki (k), Kikaha (w), Nahuina (w) and Kamakee (k). Kupono's second wife, Kealoha, and her children: Kawahineahanui (w), Kanoho (k), Naeole (w), PK. Kenao (k) (married Kikila), and Nakaula (k) (married Panila). Family concerns center on protecting the iwi of our ancestors. Contact Richard (Nahale-a) Jackson at 488-1725 or Adon Nahale-a at 2473670 or by email, alexandeb002 @ hawaii.rr.com. Lee / Rowan — The descendants of Ah Wai Lee and Rosaline Kaualua Rowan are holding their first family reunion July 19-21 on O'ahu. The Lee descendants include martha Chun Mui Lum (dec.); Albert Chun Hee Lee (dec.); Roseline Chun Sim Fujimoto; Louise Chun Yoong Chang (dec.), Joseph Chun Hoy Lee; Minnie Chun YitWong (dec.); Raymond Chun ehow Lee; John Fercdinand Otto Chun Won Lee; Mary Ida Edith Smith; Philip Awana Lee; Henry Lee Aki; Thomas Lee (dec.); and Anthony "Timmy" Lee. Activities

include a weleome reception, genealogy workshop, memorial service and golf tournament. For information , contact Stan and Keoho Fujimoto by writing 44-756 Kāne'ohe Bay Drive, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744 or email ealohae@hgea.org; Vernon Chang, 1017 Foothill Dr., San Jose CA 95123, email vernchang@aoleom. Deadline for submitting photos and genealogy information to the Fujimotos is Dec. 31. A newsletter with more details will be mailed out to family members Jan. 31. Mahi'ai — A reunion is being planned for the descendants of Samuel Kahope Mahi'ai, born Oct. 12, 1891, through offspring of his two wives, Rose Ka'ililaulani Nāmilimili (b. March 10, 1896) and Agness Koloa Mauna (b. March 23, 1912). Our next reunion planning meeting will be Sat., Jan. 12, and will be held the second Saturday of eaeh month thereafter. For meeting locations, eall Harriet K. Mahi'ai at 696-7232 or 294-0836 (e). Pa / Bal / Lima — We are looking for Moloka'i descendants of Zelie Bal Lima Pa (1859-1906); married Joseph Lima, 3 daughters: Emily, Violet and Zelie; 2 sons: Edmund and Edward. Married Ka'aihue Pa, 1 daughter, Louise; 4 sons: Lionel, John, Adrian and Ambrose. These five were sent to Honolulu from Kalaupapa and were given Bal as their last name. If you have information, contact Don Garcia, 2036 Kolo Pl„ Wailuku, HI 96793, eall 808-244-3269, or email tlayne@hgea.org. Pahukoa — A reunion will be held July 4-7 for the Pahukoa 'ohana at the church hall in Ke'anae, Maui. Camping is available. For information, eall Monis Bissen, 247-1544 or Meleana Aloy, 456 5215 (O'ahu); or Darrell Aquino, 248-7834, or Melissa Tau'ā Maulaiola at 808-572-6836 on Maui. ■