Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 1, 1 January 2002 — Council vacancies [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Council vacancies

Note: The applieaūon āeaāline has been extended until Feb. 5. The Offi.ce of Hawaiian Affairs' Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Oouneil (NHHPC) is accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on this eouneil whieh serves as an advisory body to the OHA Board of Trustees on issues pertaining to historic preservation and cultural conservation. The mission of the NHHPC is to improve the quality of life and ensure the cultural identity of Native Hawaiians by preserving and

perpetuating Native Hawaiian eultural and historic resources, and empowering all Hawaiians to participate in the stewardship of these properties, traditions, practices and values. Members are chosen to assure a broad and balanced geographical representation of professional and cultural disciplines involved with historic preservation. Presently, there are several vacancies for the island of O'ahu; however, applicants from the other islands will be considered. To request a NHHPC application or for further information, please eall OHA's Hawaiian Rights Division at 594-1970. Completed applications must be postmarked by Feb. 5.

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KWO PhotoOp

MAUNA KEA — OHA Chciirrncin Clciyton Hee with forrner Maunakeei Aclvisory Cornrnittee rnernbers Pilei Wilson einel Lcirry Kirnurci were cirnong those who tourecl the surnrnit on Dec. 9 to leeim cibout the cistronomers' resecirch being concluctecl cit the Keek Observcitory einel to cissess possible impcicts of NASA's proposecl expcinsion of the physiccil site. OHA is engcigecl in ein Act 106 consultcition process, mcinclcitecl by feclercil leiw to consicler impcicts of proposecl feclercil projects upon historiccil sites.