Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 12, 1 December 2001 — Leka Kālele KWO FOCUS LETTER [ARTICLE]

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Right the wrong, listen to ancestors

Words have limited us beneficiaries, because words, meanings and intentions haven't been kept by our trustees (State of Hawai'i) in "sticking" to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act (HHCA) provisions! Words like "selective and prejudiced" describe the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) who allow some actions while "evicting" others for lheir actions. Depending on whieh side of the fence you sit (or who you kiss)! Commissioners are mere puppets controlled by DHHL and their corrupt practices in violation to the Act, breaching the trust and the original intent of the HHCA that was meant to benefit us Nā Kānaka Maoli. We don't want "handouts," just what's meant for us. Follow the act's intent, instead of legislating rules and regulations and making Hawaiians look like criminals if they protest the illegality of what's going wrong for too long! The blood quantum makes less of us Hawaiians "eligible" and applicants are dying before getting on

those sec. 5(0 lands... while agriculture-residential lands are given to third parties and DHHL's not there to kokua farmers who need help getting started... Who profits and benefits? The o!d adage "divide and conquer" is why we fight amongst ourse!ves. Some of us "get, others no get!" The slate will not recognize us, otherwise. they would have to acknowlcdge our "rights, stolen goods, our lands they dare take for their own purposes!" Akaka's bill "gives others control of our sclf-deter-mination." lt matters, that it doesn't pass! Wc've had "crumbs" long enough. We deserve more. We must listen to our ancestors who kāhea us. We must take our kuleana and "walk our walk" to ensure the honorable work they started, we will complete doing again and again whatever we feel and know is right to "perpetuate our heritage." We have the pu'uwai, uhane, aloha and na'au. Anakura Melemai Kea'au, Hawaiian Kingdom