Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2001 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BIG ISLAND, MOKE'S ELECTRIC(L#C22816): Residential, eommeneal, remolding, new installations. Call: 808-959-2624. FOR SALE, ANAHOLA HOMESTEAD ON KAUA'I: 7,000 + sq. ft. Please eall Diane: 808-235-6539 (O'ahu). $16,000 or offer. FOR SALE, KALĀWAHINE STREAMSIDE ON O'AHU: One year old, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath. Call Nadine at James Kometani 808-591-8166 for more details. FOR SALE, WAI'ŌHULI, KULA, MAUI: Beautiful, eool, tremendous oeean view. Lot 240. Leave name and number at 808-696-0786 or 808-223-2142. Must have 50% Hawaiian. KOA PADDLES: Racing paddles, 'iako, surf boards, oeean accessories. Trophies

Ho'ohui 'Ohana | — i o % V ) h 111 * | ) i i /h y

Kaaa - On April 14, an 'ohana reunion will be held at Pōka'ī Bay Beach Park, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fliers with more details are forthcoming. For information, eall Jeanne Kahanaoi at 668-7911. Kamaile — I am looking for genealogieal information on my matemal great-great-grandmother, Kaleiokamoku Kamaile, bom on Hawai'i, died on O'ahu and buried at Kawaiaha'o Cemetery. She has been listed as as Mrs. John Kaluakapanui Anahu, and Rose Kamaile. One of Kaleiokamoku's children was William Nāleilehua Purdy. Other linked families are Dominis, Parker, Pāhau and other Hawai'i island names. Please contact Lloyd N. Ching at 808-889-5867, or write to P.O. Box 787, Kapa'au, HI 96755. Kauaua — A reunion is planned for Aug. 10-11 foī the descendants of Kelii-o-Nahuawai Kauaua and Kauai-o-kalani Kanae, through their children, Papai, Kamaka, Puupuu, Apukalei and Moeloa. All 'ohana are welcomed to eome together in prayer and celebration of life. We ask that you send your genealogy information (three generations) as well as the count of family members planning to attend. The event will also include photo displays, t-shirts and leis. Sign up early. For information, email grocha@hawaiisafety.com; jharrisll9@hotmail.com; or holy@gte.net. Sign up early! Kekoa — We are seeking informaiton on the descendants of James Ipaapuka Kekoa and first wife, Kanoa Heleluhi, and the 'ohana from their three kamali'i (eaeh with the last name Kekoa): Emily Kealiihoomalu, William Kapuhili and Joseph Keaweopala. Descendants of James Kekoa and his second wife, Mary Kaailaau Hoopi'i (eaeh with the last name Kekoa) are planning a reunion Aug. 9-11 on O'ahu, the last of whieh occurred 25 years ago. Following are the names of their 10 kamali'i: Edward Ipaapuka, James Kainoa, George Hoapili, Mary Keliinohopali KekoaKauwe, Samuel Auwa and Dorothy Papai Kekoa-Ahu (twins), Sarah Wk MM