Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2001 — MĀKUA from page 1 [ARTICLE]
MĀKUA from page 1
Henkin said. "This is our ehanee to ask the hard questions to guide their process." Vigilant public participation will ensure that the Army's EIS "gives us answers, not more junk science," said Wai'anae physician/Mālama Mākua board member Fred Dodge, referring to the Army's supplemental environmental assessment prepared in May. That report had concluded with a "finding of no significant impacts," after over 50 years of shelling in the valley. Despite the agreement, seeing the troops return to Mākua still provokes a "feeling of loss" for Rodrigues. "Mākua means parent, and Papa, the land, is our mother," he said, peering through binoculars to make sure that mortars and artillery missed ancient rock walls and petroglyphs that the Army sandbagged for protection. . "Our struggle is not over," Rodrigues stressed. "This is just the beginning of more hard work." ■