Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 11, 1 November 2001 — Kamapuaʻa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamapua'a's father was Kahiki'ula. His mother was Hina. Kamapua'a was born in Kaliuwa'a, in the Kaluanui ahupua'a on O'ahu. His form at birth was a cord and his parents wanted to discard him, but his grandmother and older brother kept him on an altar and prayed. One day, Kamapua'a grew into his pig form.
īhe mythical kupua (demigod) Kamapua'a assumed forms of man, a boar, or a combination of the two. Composite by Miehael McDonald. Kamapua'a sought out his mother as she bathed in a stream, and told her who he was. She wrapped him in her pā'ū and took Kamapua'a home. She told her older two sons that whoever caught the little pig could keep him. Kekeleiaiku caught him. The boys' grandmother explained to Kekeleiaiku who the pig yvas and she taught him how to eall his brother to eat: "Haunu'u, (proud ruling chief), Haulani (royal ruling chief), eome and eat." Kekeleiaiku followed his grandmother's advice until the pig was fully grown. Kamapua'a planted kalo shoots in his grandmother's lo'i. After working so hard, he was hungry and realized that there was no food to eat and that the kalo would take a long time to mature. He stole chickens from King 'Olopana of O'ahu and gave his brother a share. King 'Olopana put a kapu on his chickens, reserving them for himself. Now Kamapua'a began stealing chickens at night to feed his family. Kawauhelemoa, a supernatural being, chased him one night
until he finally caught him in the early morning hours. The King's men bound him with rope, tied him to a pole and carried him toward Kāne'ohe to deliver him to the king. His grandmother recited a chant composed for Kamapua'a, calling on the gods for help. She chanted all of Kamapua'a's kinolau (body forms): the red pig, the dark pig, the black pig, the pig with white temples, the kukui tree, ma'uma'u ' fern, hala, 'uhaloa, the powerful rock, the sōlid rock, and so on. He had been capried as far as Kahana, when the chant ended. Kamapua'a grunted, strained, and was able to cut himself loose with his tusks. He killed and ate the entire company of soldiers that had captured him, except for his cousin Makali'i, who informed the king of the escape. Kamapua'a was caught four more times and four more times, with the help of his grandmother and the intervention of the gods, he got away and ate his captors. Finally, the King called for all men of O'ahu, all chiefs, all warriors, all commoners to arm themselves to make war on Kamapua'a. Kamapua'a made plans to flee with his entire family before the war started. His only escape route out of Kaliuwa'a Valley was an
extremely steep cliff, that was impossible to climb. Kamapua'a gathered his family. He leaned forward into the cliff and stretched his body to the very top, allowing his parents, brothers, grandmother, and servants to escape. Everyone climbed up Kamapua'a's back to the top of the cliff, except for his grandmother, who insisted that he turn around and allow her to climb up over his chest. All made it to safety and escaped death at the hand of King 'Olopana. Kaliuwa'a Valley is famous for its connection with pig demi-god Kamapua'a. There are many inaecessible hiding places along his escape route. Along the way, where the stream widens, he stopped to drink water. Kamapua'a is also said to have planted trees in the valley. In ancient days, the gorge entrance near the steep cliff was carefully guarded. The kapu governing the plaee was very strict. Women who were unelean could not enter on pain of death. The pool at the head of this gorge , is a solemn and beautiful temple, whieh is known today as "Sacred Falls." ' ■
Mo'olelo of the pig demigod