Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 October 2001 — Hōkūliʻa crisis [ARTICLE]

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Hōkūliʻa crisis

Being a Hawaiian-Haole all my life, I find this very horrible. My relatives, ancestors, tūtūs etc., would NEVER have done this to anyone back in the early days. You are destroying them, their way, and what they believed in. I am very, very disturbed and angry at what is happening at Keōpuka and Kealakekua. These people should be ashamed. How would they like their loved ones dug up and their peaee destroyed? I hope that you are not exhumed after you pass on and go through what our 'ohana are going through right now. This whole situation is really a crying shame. This is wrong!

Leave the sacred Hawaiian ancient lands alone! I am so angry, hurt and devastated, that 1 can't even write anything else! Dan Loezius San Mateo, CA