Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2001 — OHA FINANCIAL REPORT [ARTICLE]
ASSETS FUNDS ACCOUNT CROUPS Cash in State Treasury $ 7,878,733 Cash in outside accounts 10,141,287 Accounts/other receivables 14 1 ,496 Notes receivable, net of allowance for doubtful 15,502,136 accounts of $4,483,264 Interest/dividends receivable 2,105,569 Interfund receivable 334,841 Prepaid expenses and security deposits 392,743 Investments 324,529,736 Land/building $1,129,242 Leasehold improvements 538,405 Machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures 1,446,328 Provided for payment of: • Vacation benefits/comp time off 495,985 • Estimated claims and judgments 460,026 • Operating lease rents/capital lease 920,052 TOTAL ASSETS $361,026,541 $4,990,038 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Due to state $ 110,000 Accounts/other payables 621,266 Inter-fund payable 334,841 $495,985 Vacation benefits/comp. time off 882,132 Operating lease rents 460,026 Estimated claims and judgments 37,920 Capital lease obligation TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,066,107 $1,876,063 Fund Equity: Investments in fixed assets Fund balance $3,1 13,975 •Reserved $ 20,687,124 • Designated 34,108,544 • Undesignated 305,164,766 Total Fund Equity $359,960,434 $3,113,975 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $361,026,541 $4,990,038
REVENUES State general fund appropriations $ 2,519,663 Public land trust 8,261,922 Dividend and interest income [7 291 936 Native Hawaiian Rights Fund 135 407 Federal and other grants 2 210 794 Newspaper ads, donations, other revenues 71 350 Non-imposed fringe benefits j j | Hawaiian Projects Fund j TOTAL REVENUES $ 25.603.158 EXPENDITURES Current programs: • Board of Trustees $ 6 714 558 • Administration 4 705 9 1 j • Program Systems 6 j 68^53 1 • Hawaiian Rights 1 927 953 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 19,017,953 EXCESS (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ 6,585,205 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Realized gain on sale of investments $ (2,595,673) Net increase (decrease) in unrealized gain (loss) on investments held (34,133,1 19) Lapse of cash to State General Fund (166,348) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) $ (36,895,139) EXCESS (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses $ (30,309,934) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD $390,270,368 FUND BALANCE. END OF PERIOD $359,960,434