Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 October 2001 — 2001 ʻOKAKOPA OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
I Editor's note: Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in nonO'ahu phone numbers.
Tues., Oct. 2-Tues., Oct. 30 — Ho'omaluhia Park Art Exhibit "Blessed Be the Mother, O Holy Sophia" is Pearl Pualani Ling Makasobe's first solo art exhibit and features interpretative petroglyph designs hand-painted with water-based inks on 'a'aniu
(coconut fiber). The Leeward coast artist presents mo'olelo depicting central themes of oneness and spiritual connection between all the world's people with Sophia, the Mother God principle, and the environment. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Mon.-Sat.; 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sun. Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens Gallery, Kāne'ohe. To arrange Friday school tours, eall the artist at 668-2064. For information on Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens, eall 233-7323. Thurs., Oct. 4 — Kaua'i Aloha Festivals Aloha Festivals Kaua'i kicks off with special opening ceremonies and blessing of the festivals and Royal Court at the Hyatt Regency Kaua'i, Seaview Terrace, 4 p.m. For information, eall 808-245-8508.
Thurs., Oct 4-Sun., OeL 7 — Maui County Fair The longest-running fair in Hawai'i features a parade, rides, games, exhibits and entertainment day and night. Orchidland offers huge floral displays by Maui's orchid society. Other attractions include horticulture and homemakers exhibits, a healthy baby contest, livestock, arts and crafts and an array of island foods. 4:30 p.m. Maui War Memonal Complex. For information, eall 808-242-2721. Fri., Oct. 5 — Kāmau Pono Kumu Hula Tony Conjugacion and Hālau Nā Wainohia present a night of music and hula, a benefit for Conjugacion's Honolulubased hālau. 7 p.m. Hawai'i
Theatre. $18. For information, eall 528-0506. Sun., Oct. 7 — Family Sunday lsland Style Enjoy extensive collections of Hawaiian natural and cultural history, and see the museum's latest exhibit, "Color Play: Exploring the Art and Science of Color." 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $3 for kama'āina, $10 for a family of four. Bishop Museum. For more information, eall 848-4160. Thurs., Oct. 1 1 -Sun., Oct. 14 — 62nd Orchid Show and Plant Sale The Honolulu Orchid Society ine. presents its annual fund raiser plant extravaganza, this year titled,
Pearl Makasobe's "Ke Ānuenue will be on display this month at Ho'omaluhla.
"A Halloween Harvest of Orchids." Activities include demonstrations on general orchid culture, Japanese ikehana flower arranging, bonsai demonstrations and exhibits. 2-9 p.m., (Oct. 1 1); 9 a.m.-9 p.m. (Oct. 12-13); 9 a.m. 4 p.m. (Oct. 14). Neal B laisdel 1 Exhibition Hall. Free. For information, eall 4557541. Sat., Oct. 1 3 — 'Aha Mele IV Hālau o ke 'A'ali'i Kū Makani marks its fourth anniversary with a concert of hula and music at the historic Hawai'i Theatre in downtown Honolulu. Performing with the hālau will be Ho'okena, Hālau Nā Kamalei, and from Hilo, Kahikina. 7 p.m. Hawai'i Theatre. $25, $20. Discounts for kupuna and students. Order tickets by phone at 528-0506. Oct. 1 3 — A Day at Queen Emma Summer Palaee Sponsored by the Daughters of Hawai'i, this festival includes the best Hawaiian music, hula, food booths, crafts, lei, homemade delectable and palaee tours. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Hānaiakamalma, 2913 Pali Hwy.
For information, eall 595-6291 Sat., Oct. 1 3 — "E ō e Emalani i Alaka'i" Hui o Laka and the Kōke'e Natural History Museum present their 13th annual tribute to Queen Emma's historic trek to Alaka'i Swamp in 1872. Activities include music, hula performances and crafts displays and demonstrations. 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow, Kōke'e State Park. Free. For information, eall 808-335-9975. Oct 1 4 — Ali'i Sunday at Kawaiaha'o Church In honor of Princess Ka'iulani, a
worship service will beheld at Kawaiaha'o Church. Named by Queen Lili'uokalani as heir to the throne, she was the daughter of Princess Likelike and O'ahu Governor A.S. Cleghorn. 10:30 a.m.-noon. For information, eall 532-6310. Oct. 20 — Kawa'ewa'e Heiau elean-up Join the ongoing volunteer effort to maintain Kawa'ewa'e, an ancient luakini in Kāne'ohe. Be prepared for a short uphill hike. Bring water and a snack. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Meet at the end of Līpalu St. off Nāmoku. For information, eall 235-1088. Sat., Oct. 20-Sat., Oct 27 — Aloha Festivals Celebration at Hāna Start the celebration with the entire town participating in a parade seen nowhere else, shoreline and boat fishing tournament plus games, a talent show, Makahiki sports, golf, floral and lei show, family potluck picnics and Hawaiian-style entertainment. The week comes to a close with a lū'au at Hāna Bay. Week-long events held throughout
Hana. For information 808-248-7758. Wed., Oct. 31 — Street Treat at Bishop Museum Hundreds of costumed keiki and their parents head to Bishop Museum for an evening treats and Halloween fun. "Spooky Houses" built by students of the U.H. School of Architecture will delight the whole family. 5:30-8:30 p.m. For information, eall 847-351 1. ■
Princess Ka'lulani, born Oct. 16, 1875