Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2001 — Oweesta postponed [ARTICLE]
Oweesta postponed
First Nations Development Institute Acting President Sherry Salway Black announced the postponement of the 12th annual Oweesta Conference scheduled for Sept. 24-26 in Honolulu. The eonference is rescheduled for May 5-9. Postponement is due to the Sept. 1 1 tragedies on the East Coast, the resulting decline in air travel and the uncertainty of airline schedules. OHA joined with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the state's CBED program in providing scholarship support to the conferenee whose focus is indigenous eeonomie development. Scholarship recipient recommendations will again be forwarded to the conferenee planners. Additional information on the rescheduled conference will be published later in the year. For information on the conferenee, write to First Nations Development Institute at 11917 Main St., Fredericksburg, VA 22408, eall 540-371-5615 or log on to www.firstnations.org See NEWSBRIEFS on page 16