Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 October 2001 — Maui kupuna conference [ARTICLE]

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Maui kupuna conference

On Oct. 26 and 27, the second convening of kupuna on Maui will bring together elders from across the sate to discuss critical issues facing Hawaiians. Named "'Aha 'Elele Hana Kumukānāwai o nā Kūpuna o Hawai'i nei," the meeting will be held at the 'Ohana Maui Islander Hotel in Lahaina. At the initial meeting in August, kupuna developed a mission statement whieh says, "We, nā kūpuna o Hawai'i nei, eome together to eonvene Ka Hale o nā 'Aha 'Elele Hana Kumukānāwai, a body of authority guided by Ke Akua, to develop strategies to overcome the legal challenges that confront our eommunities today." This body of authority, to whieh they refer to as "hale," is prescribed by traditional protocol they say precludes makua and 'ōpio from speaking in sessions. Rather, they support the kupuna who work together to reach consensus and make decisions based on discussion. Their ultimate goal is in shaping the formation of the Hawaiian nation. A goal of this conference is to established 'aha or kupuna councils on eaeh island, to address such loeal issues as natural resources (water, land), sacred sites, health and culture. Island representatives would gather periodically at national kupuna conferences. Conference fee is $20 for adults and $10 for those aged 13-17. For information on airfare and aeeommodations, eall Gina Maikai at 2599018. For group reservations, eall Kalei 'Ōhi'a at 921-6870. For general conference information, eall Kupuna Patty Nishiyama at 808-667-4068, or Makua Tammy Harp at 808-661-4527.