Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 10, 1 October 2001 — LEKA Kālele KWO FOCUS LETTER [ARTICLE]

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Hālawa preservation

Iam responding to your article in the September Ka Wai Ola o OHA entitled "Hālawa-Luluku sites to be preserved." I was present during the visit of the OHA trustees July 30, and would like to add another perspective as to what is going on now in Hālawa valley. Nā Kūpuna a me nā Kāko'o, of whieh I am a member, has been working diligently in Hālawa to preserve, protect and perpetiiate the historical and eultural sites and natural resources that were left after the H-3 construction. Taking the lead in this initiative is Clara "Sweet" Matthews. And as you may recall, she was one of the women who made a stand against the destruction of these sites in Hālawa val-

ley back in 1992. It was through their bravery and determination that some of the sites were spared. These women should not be forgotten for their great sacrifices. In Hālawa valley there is no running water, no gardening tools, no trash bins and no resting plaee. But we have managed to elean, clear and maintain these sites and indigenous plants in spite of these obstacles. And we, too, like the women of 1992, are determined to persevere through the many obstacles that we may have to facc to preserve, protect and perpetuate our love for the 'āina. : :

)odi K. Nāhinu Mililani