Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 9, 1 September 2001 — RESULTS [ARTICLE]

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2001 Ka Wai Ola Readership Survey

Mahalo to all who took the time to answer our Ka Wai Ola o OHA Readership Survey published in June. Your responses and comments are reviewed by the KWO editorial staff and will help to shape the publication over the coming year. Onee again, the highest readership profile are those of kupuna status, although there was an increase in those in the 48-60

years category. The majority of respondents were women, and most elaim 50 percent or more Hawaiian blood quantum. Ka Wai Ola also adequately meets the information needs of the majority of readers. The appearance, layout and design of this publication also got high marks. Your continued comments and suggestions are weleome. Log on to www.OHA.org for additional information,

to read Ka Wai Ola or to participate in the Discussion Forum. For those who wish to publicly voice their opinion on matters, please send your letters to KWO for publication in the Ka Leo Kaiāulu (community voice) section whieh features letters to the editor. For additional information on Ka Wai Ola o OHA, contact OHA's Puhlie Information Office at 594-1980. Mahalo.

1. On whieh island do you live? 1. Hawai'i 18.8percent 2. Kaua'i 4.9 percent 3. Lāna'i no responses 4. Maui 6.9 percent 5. Moloka'i 0.7 percent 6. O'ahu 59.7 percent 7. Out of state or none of the above 8.3 percent 2. What is your gender? 1 . Female 59 percent 2. Male 41 percent 3. What is your age? 1. Under 18 no responses 2. 1 8-28 1 .4 percent 3. 29-36 4.2 percent 4. 37-47 15.3 percent 5. 48-60 34 percent 6. Kupuna 45.1 percent 4. What is your education level? 1 . Not a high school graduate 4.2 percent 2. High school graduate or 18.8percent equivalent 3. High school graduate with 40.3 percent some college 4. College graduate (BA/BS 14.6 percent degree) 5. Master's degree or higher 21.5 percent 5. What is your Hawaiian blood quantum? 1. 50 percent or more 47.9 percent 2. Less than 50 percent 41.7 percent 3. None 9 percent 6. How would you describe your command of the Hawaiian language? 1 . Native speaker (Hawaiian first 0.7 percent language) 2. Fluent 2.1 percent 3. Moderate 25 percent 4. Limited 61.1 percent 5. None 10.4 percent 7. How often do you read the Ka Wai Ola o OHAl 1. Always 81.9percent 2. Occasionally 16.7 percent 3. Never 0.7 percent 8. How mueh of the Ka Wai Ola o OHA do you read? 1 . All of it 58.3 percent 2. Someofit 41.7 percent 3. None of it no responses 9. Whieh of the following do you turn to first to obtain news about Hawaiian issues? 1. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA 41 percent 2. Daily newspapers 27.8 percent 3. Loeal magazines 0.7 percent 4. Television 8.3 percent 5. Other (Internet, Others, Honolulu 6.9 percent Weekly, etc.)

10. How manv in your household read your copy of Ka Wai Ola o OHA ? 1. none 20.1 percent 2. indicate number 1.93 (average) 79.9 percent 11. Where do you receive the most reliable information on Hawaiian issues and OHA news? 1 . The Ka Wai Ola o OHA 13.2 percent 2. Mostly the Ka Wai Ola o OHA 43.8 percent and daily newspapers 3. Mostly radio 1.4percent 4. Mostly television 1 .4 percent 5. Mostly the daily newspapers 1.4percent 6. Some from the Ka Wai Ola, daily 24.3 percent newspapers, radio and television 7. Intemet 2.1 percent 8. Other (Others, Lawbooks) 2.8 percent 12. Other than the Ka Wai Ola o OHA, what is your main source of information on Hawaiian issues and OHA news? 1. Television 23.6 percent 2. Radio 2.8 percent 3. Honolulu Advertiser or Star-Bulletin 43.8 percent 4. Other (Others, Internet, Oregonian, 1 8. 1 percent Hawaii Tribune Herald) 13. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA is vitai to meeting my OHA information needs. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 31.3percent 2. Agree with the statement 44.4 percent 3. No opinion 16 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 6.9 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0.7 percent 14. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola needs more photos and graphics. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 13.9percent 2. Agree with the statement 33.3 percent 3. No opinion 36.1 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 14.6 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement no responses 15. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA 's appearance is appealing 1. Strongly agree with the statement 13.9percent 2. Agree with the statement 62.5 percent 3. No opinion 14.6 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 7.6 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0.7 percent 16. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA's layout and design add interest to reading the newspaper. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 19.4percent 2. Agree with the statement 53.5 percent 3. No opinion 18.1 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 7.6 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0.7 percent 17. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns are interesting and informative. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 17.4percent 2. Agree with the statement 36. 1 percent 3. No opinion 1 3.2 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 25.7 percent

5. Strongly disagree with the statement 5.6 percent 18. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns offer adequate coverage of the Trustees' views. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 5.6 percent 2. Agree with the statement 47.9 percent 3. No opinion 21.5percent 4. Disagree with the statement 16.7 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 20.8 percent 19. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA gives readers enough information about Native Hawaiian-related legislative issues. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 14.6percent 2. Agree with the statement 43.8 percent 3. No opinion 13.9 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 23.6 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 2.8 percent 20. Do you agree with this statement? I want to heeome more involved with political and community issues that affect Hawaiians. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 24.3 percent 2. Agree with the statement 38.2 percent 3. No opinion 29.9 percent 4. Disagree with the statement 2.8 percent 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0.7 percent 21. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola effectively covers eaeh of the following topics.

Ll/J Cnltiiral issues 26.4 54.2 8.3 7.6 1.4 Beneficiary voices 11.1 46.5 17.4 19.4 2.8 and input Entertainment 11.8 47.9 23.6 11.8 2.1 Sovereignty issues 16.7 47.2 16.0 15.3 2.8 Hawaiian profiles 14.6 50.7 16.7 14.6 0.7 and personalities Letters to the editor 16.0 54.2 18.8 8.3 0 OHA features 17.4 60.0 13.2 6.9 0 Non-OHA features 7.6 27.8 45.1 8.3 2.8 Hawaiian issues 24.3 51.4 7.6 14.6 1.4 OHA BOT meetings 13.9 44.4 17.4 15.3 4.2 Sports 9.0 18.8 41.7 20.8 4.9 OHA finances 16.7 45.8 19.4 11.1 4.9 and budget Administration 13.2 36.8 24.3 18.8 4.2 information All Figures are percentages.