Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 9, 1 September 2001 — 2001 Kepakemapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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2001 Kepakemapa


Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the ealen - dar on a space-availahle basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors hy the Offtce of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai'iys area code, 808, is only included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.

Sat., Sep. 1 - Honolulu Music and Entertainment Fest International recording artist Stephen Bishop ("On and On," "It Might Be You") appears live in eoncert at the Waikiki Shell. Hosted by Kimo Kahō'ano and Mahlon Moore. Also featuring Martin Pahinui and George Kuo, Frank Delima, the Magicomedy of Mark Allen, Three Scoops, the Sultans, Simplicity, Honolulu the Band, Solanna, Quintinn Holi, Jon Basebase, and more. Ticket prices $17.50-$37.50. For information, eall 833-0056. Wed., Sep. 5 - Aloha United Way's "A Day of Caringw Call for volunteers to participate

in this annual community service event. An estimated 1,000+ volunteers will spend the day working on projects such as sprucing up botanieal gardens, schools, playgrounds, and non-profit sites. Aloha United Way supports 65 health & human service agencies and benefits the lives of more than 450,000 island residents - or 1 out of every 2 people. Join us for breakfast, one-of-a-kind t-shirt, and a project assignment. For information, eall 543-2214. Sat., Sept. 8 — Aloha Festivals Royal Ball This year, Aloha Festivals' Royal Ball is the official opening event for the statewide festival. Entertainment includes fine music, hula and dancing, all in celebrations of Hawai'i's diverse cultures. A scrumptious menu has been spe-

cially designed for this formal Hawaiian event. Proceeds from the event and the silent auction will benefit the 55-year-old festival. 6-1 1 p.m. Hilton Hawaiian Village Tapa Ballroom. $85. Corporate tables available. For information, eall 589-1771 or tool-free at 1-800-852-7690. Tues., Sep. 1 1 - "Weird Fungi of Hawai'i" UH - Hilo Professor of BioIogy Dr. Don Hemmes presents a slide program illustrating the beautiful fruiting bodies of fungi found in Hawai'i, with emphasis on native mushrooms found in the Volcano area. Hemmes a!so reviews the various edib!e, poisonous, and hallucinogenic mushrooms eommon in the islands and explains how to eūltivate edible and medicinal fungi. 7 p.m. Kilauea Visitor Center

Auditorium. Free. For information, eall 808-985-6014. Fri., Sep. 14-Sun., Sep. 23 - Aloha Festivals O'ahu Aloha Festivals is Hawaii's largest multi-cultural festival, featuring Hawaiian music and dance as well as a yariety of cultural exhibits and performances. Enjoy concerts, street parties, children's events, contests and more, with most events free with your Aloha Festivals ribbon. For statewide dates and events information, eall Aloha Festivals at 589-1771 ortoll-free at 1-800-852-7690. Sat., Sep 1 5 - Aloha Festivals Floral Parade

Best described as an eruption of

flowers with its multitude of floral floats, pā'ū riders, and specialty and marching units. This parade ean be seen eaeh year on national television as part of the CBS Thanksgiving Day Special. 9 a.m. Hobron Ln. to Kapi'olani Park. For information, contact Aloha Festivals at 589-1771 or toll-free at 1-800-852-7690.


"Vaihr - Vaihi. Sam Langi, Bruce Naluai, Aaron Ka'ōnohi and Piko Tetuanui are back, this time with a selftitied project. Vaihi shows off a sweet blend and elean. pop sound in a weil produced collection of originals. Great family female guest vocalists. Produced by Puka Pants Records.

"Lady of the Mountain" - Lei'ohu Ryder. Like her earlier recording, Ryder offers more haunting, Hawaiian folk music. Pictured with Ryder is Mahilani Poepoe, a respected healer and spiritual leader. Produced by Ryder and Jake Rohrer at Ulu Loa Studio.

"Brown 2 da Bone" - 45 Dash. Based out of Kōne'ohe the "45 dash" district, Vinny Gerona II, Saffrey Tilton. Bradda Tilton, Sawna D and Ethan Waite break out with their energetic debut, also featuring the talents of Smooth Flow Chadeo. Produced by 'Onipa'a Records.

"The Music of Muhel Flanders" - various artists. Hapa-haole originals have been assembled by Flanders, granddaughter of historian/storyteller Kamōkila Campbell, featuring The Caz, Teresa, Nā Leo, Tony C. and more. Produced with Jon DeMello and Ken Makuakōne.

Sat., Sept. 1 5 — Kawa'ewa'e elean-up Join this ongoing volunteer effort to maintain Kawa'ewa'e Heiau, an ancient luakini in Kāne'ohe. Work includes weeding and trimming. Bring water and a snack, and be prepared for a short, uphill hike. 8:301 1 :30 a.m. Meet at the end of Līpalu St. off Nāmoku, in the vicinity of Pōhai Nani retirement home. For information, eall 235-1881. Tues., Sep. 1 8 - "Pacific Golden Plovers: Magnificent Migrants" Discover the biology of kōlea (Pacific golden plovers) with eeologist Dr. Wally Johnson from Montana State University. With support from the National Geographic Society, Johnson and his wife Pat, have studied plovers for over 25 years through banding and radiotelemetry. 7p.m. Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Free. For information, eall 808-985-6014. A "pa'a kōhili" at the Kaua'i Aloha Festivals investiture bears the heat of the mid-day SUn. AF Photo: Janet Hyrne.

Sunv Sep. 23 - SaL, Sep. 29 - 1 7th Kaua'i Mokihana Festival A full week of exciting workshops, contests, music, folk crafts and Hawaiian language as Kaua'i celebrates its unique culture. Events are island wide. For information, eall Nathan Kalama at 808-822-2166. Tues., Sep. 25 - The John Young Homestead. Archaeological investigations of the John Young Homestead at Kawaihae revealed a rare transition between traditional Hawaiian and Western styles of design and architecture. Laura Carter Schuster, National Park Service Branch Chief, Cultural Resources, and archaeologist Mara Durst share findings from this unique site. 7p.m. Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Free. For information, eall 808-985-6014.

Sun., Sep. 30 - Race for the Cure. Join in the "Race For The Cure" and fight against breast cancer. Sponsored by The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. TAC Certified 5K Run/Walk and 1 mile walk. For men, women and children of all ages. Kapi'olani Park, 7:30 a.m. For information, eall 9735967. ■

kwoEMEIEI Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, Hl 96813-5249