Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 8, 1 August 2001 — Cancer scare [ARTICLE]
Cancer scare
Mahalo to OHA's public information area at its Honolulu office where I picked up Papa Ola Lōkahi's pamphlet on breast cancer. I noticed my cousin and others I knew were cancer survivors and decided to eheek out my breasts. I discovered a lump in the left one and knew it had been months since I last took the time. That very day, I saw my doctor who confirmed the lump and set me up to see a surgeon. That was June 6. On July 2, I had a lumpectomy removing a stage two cancerous tumor. I was very lucky as the cancer had not spread to my lymph nodes nor to the tissue surrounding the breast. See LETTERS on page 3
LETTERS from page 2
I am still facing radiology and possibly chemotherapy, but unlike my father and sister, I may beat the "Big C." Vigilance ean save your life. LMH Hawai'i Nei Editor's note: Papa Ola Lōkahi's breast cancer brochure suggests you eall your own doctor with inquiries, and Iists contact numbers for the Native Hawaiian Health Care System on your island : Ho'ōla Lāhui Hawai'i, 246-351 1 (Kaua'i/Ni'ihau); Ke Ola Mamo, 533-0035 (O'ahu); Nā Pu'uwai, 560-3653 (Moloka'i); Ke Ola Hou o Lāna'i, 565-6608 (Lāna'i); Hui Mālama Ola nā 'Ōiwi, 969-9220; \merican Cancer Society, 1-800-227-2345; Cancer Information Service, 1-800-422-6237.
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