Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 8, 1 August 2001 — Noni study [ARTICLE]
Noni study
The University of Hawai'i Cancer Research Center is embarking on ground breaking research using treatments that draw on Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Island traditional healing methods. Noni, also known as the Indian mulberry, has been used by Hawaiians to treat a number of ailments for generations.
Pulp from the fruit as well as its leaves are utilized in traditional healing. Its application in modern science is the basis of this research. Dr. Brian Issell who heads the Center's Clinical Sciences Program has been awarded $170,000 per year for two years from the National Institute of Heahh for testing noni in cancer patients. For information on the use of noni, eall the Center's Clinical Trials Unit at 586-2979. For information on complementary and alternative treatments for cancer, eall the Cancer Information Service at l-800-CANCER, Mon.-Fri„ 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.