Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2001 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Living Aloha C> Ka Na'aii hto'ola I ... _ _ ACoupanBookofHealtfn He*rsActivitia

with Moe Keale & Friends^ Sunday, August 19 Noon - 3:00pm Queen's Conference Center (Mabet Smyth Auditorium)

Spend an Aloha-filled Sunday Aftemoon. Moe Keale will entertain you with his Living Aloha stories and songs. Learn about the cultural and nutritional values of food from Herbert Hoe, Dr. Blane Chong, & Claire Hughes. Enjoy a healthy Hawaiian iuneh by Kealoha Caterers of Kaneohe. FREE admission for two with The Healing Heart Coupon Book Luneh: $6 with The Healing Heart Coupon Book General Public: $10 admission; Luneh: $10. Call for tickets: 547-4466 Free parking at Queen's Miller Street, POBI and POBII garages. a thE queen s Sponsored by MEDICAL CENTER The Queen's Heart lnstitute HEART INSTtTUTE

|| First Nations i| * f Development lnstitute#s | | 12th Annual H Īi0weeeta Conferencei[ W September 23 - 26, 2001 1| ik Renai eeanee llikai Waikiki Hotel • Honolululk Sl 808/949-381 1 i! I Room Rote $125 (standard) A || Special rates also available for deluxe rooms. ■■ II Kama'aina Rate: $99.00 IV Join First Nations Development I nstitute as we celebrate our Jb Mm 12th Oweesta Conference in Hawaii, September 23 through 26, Sv 2001. Oweesta, whieh takes its name from the Mohawk wordfor V mcmey, is the premier training conference for eeonomie developJfe ment proctitioners in lndian Country. The conference is dedicated Jfe |h|9 to providing an opportunity for individuals involved in the creation 9fi ■■ of asset-based sustamable development to receive training, share || W best practices, exchange ideas and network. fln Information about the conference ean be found on our website Iwi M at www.firstnatbns.org or e-mail us at info@firstnations.org. For IH 1 P more information on conference sponsorship, please contact Joe ik Getchat jgetch@firstnations.org or 540/371-5615. Registration Rates: W $300 before August 1 • $375 after August 1 jjt $450 on-site i| iH Preconference Registration $100.00 (the preconference wiil be held on the 23rd)