Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2001 — Privatization [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I would like to thank all who participated in our cause to stop SB 1096 whieh would allow the private sector, loeal and mainland, to take civil service jobs held by state workers. Act 230, however, aeeommodates the private sector without displacing those already in the state's employ, and needs further consideration. Nevertheless, the Bill was approved by the governor, May 3. We are hopeful that our efforts will shed light on the situation and effectively recall the Bill. The potential displacement of 40,000 civil service workers would be devastating. On June 13, we spearheaded a petition effort, and in only four days, collected nearly 2,000 signatures statewide, and delivered

them to the Governor's office. On June 28, we contacted the Governor's office for a meeting, but were told he was busy. His liaison sent me to see the deputy director of the Department of Health who gave me some insight on civil service reform. We are hopeful that the bill will be recalled. Mahalo to Rep. Roy Takumi, Majority Leader Marcus Oshiro, Rep. Miehael Kahikina, Rep. Dennis Arakaki, Mōhala Haunani, Sharon Nau, Precious Scalf, Fank Cano Jr., Brada and Lana Cano for your help. Also, thank you to our legislators who opposed the Bill: Brian Kanno, Brian Taniguchi, Lei Ahu Isa, Chris Halford, Joe Souki and Mark Takai. Leonae Rodrigues Ka Ao Ha'imana'o Komite