Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 7, 1 July 2001 — ʻOhana search [ARTICLE]
ʻOhana search
I am in search of geneaIogical information on the Akau and Pa'alua family. My father was the late Peter John Akau of Wai'anae, son of George Makakani and Mary Akau, both deceased. My great grandparents were Henry S. U. Akau from Honolulu and Lokalia Pa'alua from Maui. My great-great-grandparents were William A. Akau and Rose Kapuakomela Wond Stillman. Anyone with information about William A. Akau and Lokalia Pa'alua lineage, please contact Davelyn Cruz. 25160 Ua Nahele St„ HĪlo, HI 96720. Davelyrt Cruz Hilo I am trying to trace the descendants of my grandmother, Lokalia Kalanikaukeha Kekolo Nākapa'ahu. Her marriage to my grandfather. Pahuhanae Moe on Sept. 12, 1881, was officiated by Rev. L. Smith. She lived at Ma'ema'e in Nu'uanu on O'ahu. Her genealogy lists the
Kekauoha and Kai-o 'ohana. If you have any information, please write me at P.O. Box 630761 Lāna'i City. HI 96763. or eall 808-575-7136. Mahalo. C. Pua Paoa Lāna'i City