Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2001 — Iulai [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the ealenL dar on a space-availahle basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors by the Ojfice of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai H 's area code, 808 , is on!y included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.
Wed., July 4 — Protest gathering at 'lolani Palaee Supporters will eome together in solemn protest for the July 4, 1894. declaration of the Republic of Hawai'i without popular vote. Pōkā Laenui will speak on historical aspects of that event; an update on Mākua Valley will be shared; and Kekuni Blaisdell will speak on upcoming, related events: The July 29 commemoration of Lā Ho'iho'i Ea at Thomas Square and the Aug. 5 gathering at Kaniakapūpū in Nu'uanu. Other speakers will share information on impacts of the current, polilieal situation for Hawaiians. Gathering sponsored by "Of Sacred Times and Sacred Places." 1 1 a.m.-2 p.m. For informalion, eall 943-2051.
Sat., July 7- Sat., July 14 — 54th Library Book Sale The Friends of the Library of Hawai'i help to recycle books to readers of all ages in an effort to promote the joys of reading and life long learning. McKinley High School Cafeteria, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., July 7-13; 9 a.m.-2 p.m., July 14. Over 3,000 boxes of books are waiting to delight their new owners along with sheet music, records, audio and video cassette tapes, encyclopedia,/nagazines, and more. Over 70 tons in all! Caroline Dvojackl, 536-4174. Sun., July 8 — Hawaiian Slack-key and 'Ukulele Festival. Songs and stories of Kaua'i will
be featured at this slack-key guitar and 'ukulele festival. A portion of the proceeds , will benefit Hale Jk
Hālāwai.'Ohana o Hanalei Tickets^ are $10. and
for kūpuna and keiki, i $8. Spacc I is limited.| For infor- 1 mation. eall 808-826-1469.
Thur., July 1 2
Ke Kani o ke Kai. The Waikiki Aquarium's summer series of outdoor concerts will feature a spectrum of Island musical entertainment. Concerts begin at 7
p.m. Doors open at k 6 p.m. Tickets A $18, free for ■■ keiki 12 and
m u n d e r . ■ Performance bv Jerry Santos
and Olomana. eontemporary Island music. For tickets and information, eall the Waikīki Aquarium at 923-9741. Sat., July 14-Sun.,
July 15 — 27th Art and Fine
Crafts Festival. Thomas Square across from the Academy of Arts is the site for this annual event perfect for early holiday shopping with more than 75 of the finest handmade art and
* 2001
fine craft booths. Also featured are performers, demonstrations and 'ono food. Keiki activities hosted by the Honolulu Academy of Arts. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. For information, eall 808-599-2628. Sun., July 1 5 — 1 2th Big lsland Slackkey Guitar Festival. Enjoy the sweet sounds of Hawaiian slack key guitar played by 12 artists, ranging from master musicians to "up and coming" talent as well as crafts, cultural displays and 'ono food. The East Hawai'i Cultural Council presents this Hawaiian musical festival with the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Hawai'i Tourism Authority and Hawai'i County as co-sponsors. Noon-6 p.m. Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium, Hilo. Tickets are $7, chiiuren 12 and under are manuahi. For information, eall 808- 968-0676. Wed., July 18 — AT&T's Wildest Show In Town. ^ I
The Ka'au Crater Boys will be featured at this popular summertime series with music entertainment, keiki activities and zoo visits at the Honolulu Zoo. Gates open 4:35 p.m., program at 6 p.m. Program is free, although donations to the Honolulu Zoological Society will be accepted. Performing Ka'au Crater Boys, contemporary Hawaiian music. For information, eall 926-3191.
Sat., July 21 — Prince Lot Hula Festival. The Moanalua Gardens Foundation is gearing up for its 24th festival of non-competitive hula, a tribute to Prince Lot Kapaiwa who ruled as King Kamehameha V. Thousands gather at the shaded hula mound, "Kama'ipu'upa'a," to witness hula kahiko and 'auana by an array of hālau. This year's participants include: Hālau Hula o Maiki, Hālau Hula ka No'eau, Hālau i ka Wēkiu, Keali'ika'apunihonua ke'ena a'o Hula, Kealakapawa, Pua ali'i 'Ilima and more. 'Ono food, crafts and Hawaiian games will be on hand. 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Moanalua Gardens. Free. For information, eall 839-5334 or visit online at mgf@hawaii.com.
Tue., July 24-Sat., Aug. 4 — Hālauaola Hula Conference. Dancers and hula enthusiasts from the world over will convene in Hilo for a week-long series of workshops on hula, music, instrument making, chanting, costume design and more. To register or for information, visit online at www.hula conference.org. ■
kwō@50Q3S3 Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, Hl 96813-5249