Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2001 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

|| First Nations i| f Development lnstitute#s V | 12th Annual i| AOweee ta ConferenceA II September 23 - 26, 2001 !| j| R.er\a\e>ear\ce llikai Waikiki Hote\ • Honolului|

| 808/949-381 1 || Room Rate $125 (standard) I m Special rates also available for deluxe rooms. || Kama'aina Rate: $99.00 Jrk Join First Nations Deveiopment lnstitute as we celebrate our |j|| 12th Oweesta Conference in Hawaii, September 23 through 26, |||| |ff 2001. Ou>eesta, whieh takes its name from the Mohawk wordfor WW money, is the premier trairdng conference for eeonomie develop' j|i ment practitioners in lndian Country. The conference is dedicated jU|U|i to providing an opportunity for individuals involved in the creation |jJ|j| of asset'based sustainable development to receive training, share WW lr' best practices, exchange ideas and network. Wwi I nformation about the conference ean be found on our website Jr w HH at www.firstnations.org or e-mail us at info@firstnations.org. For II II more information on conference sponsorship, please contact ]oe AP Getch at jgetch@firstnaticms.org or 540/37 1 -5615. Registration Rates: H| $300 before August 1 • $375 after August 1 ¥ X $450 on-site X || Preconference Registration $100.00 || InnH (the preconference will be held on the 23rd) IHM