Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2001 — For the record [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
For the record
I don't know whether Mits Watanabe was hallucinating when he wrote you (June 2001 KWO) saying that I had called him and urged him to vote for John D. Waihe'e IV when he received a phone eall he attributes to me. I categorically deny that I never made any phone calls on behalf on John IV, or any other candidate for an OHA trustee position in any OHA election. Why would I do that, when my friend Louis Hao and others were seeking the same office? If Mr. Watanabe regrets this vote, he'U have to find someone else to blame. Walter H. Heen Honolulu
Ka I fo Kaiāui 1)