Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 6, 1 June 2001 — KA LEO KAIĀULU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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that good Hawaiians like Hao and Trask were not re-elected. As someone who is not Hawaiian but Japanese, I regret that I went along with Heen and voted for Waihe'e. When I read his OHA article, I am not surprised that he cannot impact the OHA board and instead wants to drink beer at work. That's what you do at bars, not when you are an elected OHA trustee. Regretfully signed, Mits Watanabe Honolulu I mua Lei Dei: May Day, May 1, 2001, a time of antiquated antiquity fore-

closed was a pageantry of the hospitality of the gigantic Hawaiian as Captain James Cook praised in 1778: "tall, handsome, intelligent." Today, undismayed 223 years by the miscellaneous malihinis and occasional white trash, the Hawaiian is remarkably himself, hospitable with a veneer of aloha tourism yet preposterous, up and down in a wave, in a segregated 'āina constitutionally acknowledged sovereignty of the ancient Kingdom of Hawai'i; further, constitutionally restored to all Hawaiians of all and any quantum of Hawaiian blood as the Brown case of May 17, 1954, Supreme Court, unanimously by Chief Justice Earl Warren. "I mua"

is the eeho of Kamehameha the Great on this Lei day 2001 Arthur K. Trask Sr. īau'ai Cleveland vs. McKinley I do not understand why we have a high school named after President McKinley - the man who approved the annexation of the overthrown Hawaiian Kingdom - instead of naming it for President Cleveland, who was good and honest enough to state that it was wrong. Nancy Bey Little Makiki

OHA reserves the right to edit all letters for length, defamatory and libelous material, and other objectionable eontent, and reserves the right to print on a space-available basis. The inclusion of a letter author's title is a courtesy extended by Ka Wai Ola and does not constitute validation or recognition of the writer as such. All letters must be typed, signed and not exceed 200 words. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola ,711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813. Readers ean also email their letters to oha@aloha.net. ■
